Jack, I don't own Halo 2, my cousin owned it and had all the DLC maps. Besides, I posted the picture.
yeah like a halo 1 map i could easliy forget but halo 2 DLC maybes its because i find halo 3 irrtating or somehitng IDK. CONTAINMENT! very big freaking map right there.
Containment. I just thought of that one right before you posted it. I was actually going to post it myself. I don't really see it being a remake like that however. I am almost positive the remade bloodgulch/coagulation. Just look at the bases. They are always the same.
I only know the names of the Halo 2 maps that I liked. I didn't really like the map I posted the picture of so yeah...I still call Last Resort Zanzibar. But about what you said Cr0ok3d The big base idea, the snow it all looks like Sidewinder and Containment put together with a Blood Gultch twist.
Personally I think they should remake Elongation... NOT (That is one of the worst maps I have ever played on) And I like Last Resort.
I love all the tweeks from Zanzibar and made into Last Resort. I like the catwalk on the side by the sniper spawn
I was talking about Vahalla by the way of the Blood gulch/coag thing. Sidewinder IS the second DLC map. Are calling me a camper?
Oh yeah, thats I right, I remember you have 47 in TS and 50 in TD. All the same, he R t3h noobsauce for saying you're a noob camper..
im working on my TB TS is not work for me all my friends are gay they play infection all freaking day. are you trying to start a flame war noob level 20 .
Naw, I'm just saying don't start flaming because he has his opinion and accuse him of something that's probably wrong. By the way jack, did you get Rainbow Six Vegas 2 yet?
alright why dont you get your fat freak butt and help me then when avery freaking lame friend i have plays infection all the blaming day long you have friends who want to play TB not screw around all day with customs now do . what now crook you got nothing to say about that now do you jerk off.