Sandbox Complex

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by isntnoobspellednewb, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. isntnoobspellednewb

    Senior Member

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    Created by MacktheMost(me aka Zak)

    Supported Gametypes:
    Slayer, Team Slayer, Oddball, King of the Hill, Capture The Flag, Assault, Territories, and Infection

    Map Description
    This map was inspired by an old quake map I use to play. It consists of three levels, with both teams starting on the middle level. It is fun with small, medium or large games, but I wouldn't recommend more than 12. Multi-team games can get pretty intense also.

    BR's: x4
    Sniper: x1
    Rockets: x1
    pistols: x2
    Hammer: x1
    plasma rifle: x2
    AR's: x2
    Needler: x1

    Here is the map
    both teams start in the very back and its a mad rush to the center room


    Center Room

    Both sides have ramps leading to the top of the map, where the snipe spawns

    the tube in the center takes you to the very bottom, the overshield is inside the tube and can only be picked up by dropping, but beware rockets will be waiting for you down bottom.

    Rockets spawn on the 'bridge' and the hammer spawns across from it by the stairs.

    This is the hallway that connects the rockets and hammer

    Here is a better side view, and its perfectly symmetrical

    Well there it is, I've played it alot, finetuning along the way. I really hope you all enjoy it and I'd appreciate any and all feedback.

    Download Complex
    #1 isntnoobspellednewb, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  2. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    wow this map looks really good, i love how it has the 3 tiers, and its aesthetic value is awesome as well, it looks like it has very clear lines and great interlocking, the only thing i noticed was the wall in the center room was a little off angled but over all great job man. 4.5/5 from me.
  3. isntnoobspellednewb

    Senior Member

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    thanks man if it wasnt for the item limit i would have fixed that wall, thank bungie for that ****
  4. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
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    very nice. The map kind of reminds me of construct a little. especially the bottom level. I like the abyss area inside a room. It gives the area a cool feel. I can only say that some of the paths could be made wider. I love though how you have grown upwards, when most maps on the skybox grow out. Nice.
  5. isntnoobspellednewb

    Senior Member

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    hell yeah man i love heights and lots of stories, like lockout and guardian somewhat. i feel like if there wasnt that stupid hard limit i could have made the map perfect, i hate it. but you work with what you got, it was hard making the second level and beyond because i lowered the slit wall pieces so you could shoot throught them so i had to fit everything into an awkward height.

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