Problems with modders?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by THE SPEC1NAT0R, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    raven no you cannot you must have the tag as an option or it wont work and tag injecting is not possible as of now and the map will not load if you use hex edit to place it in it will not load
  2. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    0 that not what I said?

    "I'm sure it's possible, I just don't know if it's been done yet."

    I said I don't think it's been done yet. But it's been accomplished in Bungie's previous games, so I'm sure it'll be figured out eventually.
  3. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Okay, let's be hypathetical for a minute. Imagine that forgehub accepted modded maps to be posted. Then what? All modded maps take ten times more effort and for what?
    Forward Unto Dawn on Sandtrap. Fun!
    AI-less flood infection forms on Isolation. Awesome!
    A racetrack made out of loads of copies of the windmill thing on Last Resort. Wow!
    A Pelican right in the middle of The Pit. Yay!

    They're all ****. The maps are nearly always made unplayable by the random crap that modders put on them. A good example is the mod where the pelican is copied all over Rat's Nest. Yeah, so how do you dirve the warthog around? You can't. How do you get around the pelican? You can't. The map is pretty unplayable now, with the flow devastated by a pointless mod.
    The only thing that interests me about mods is those egg things that are on pretty much every modded map. I discovered through a friend recently that they're actually ammo for Needlers. Weird.
    But that's it. Bungie gave us the forge so we can make our own maps, why would you want to mod and break the maps?
  4. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    If your not selling it there is no reason they should care...

    I honestly think it is because they are jealous that we can make better stuff then them.
  5. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I'm actually gonna go out on a limb and say I'm not against modding per se. I agree that modding in MM isn't cool, not by a long shot. It basically equates to cheating, and I can't see how anyone can condone that.

    But, as you say, modding for customs and, most importantly, Forge, is something I'm not against in principle. I see it like this: Forge is a damn restricting map builder. You have to use workarounds such as interlocking and merging to make anything more than a basic, boxy structure. Anything that facilities making complex maps more easily is good in my book, and I don't see why people hate on others who have found a way to do a perfect interlock without hours of trying time and again. The skill in map making is good design, and anyone who thinks that skill manipulating a stupid system like interlocking is more important than designing the map is just obsessed tbh. A good map is one that plays well, not one that shows how well you can use a workaround which was never even meant to be part of Forge, and anything that helps make the stupid map making process easier is fine by me.

    BUT, and it's a big but, the fact is that Bungie do not condone modding of any kind, either for Forge, Customs or MM. I agree with them on the MM front, and whilst I do disagree with them on their modded Forge maps policy, that's the way it is and we have to deal with. As a high profile Forge site we have to stay within the rules they outline, and promoting modded content, even allowing it on FH, would not fit in with this. Furthermore, Bungie now crack down heavily on any modded content in Fileshares, Fileshares which we rely on completely for our map sharing on FH. So, whilst I do support the principle of modding to facilitate map making, I can completely see why Forge Hub does not allow any modded content. Basically, the rules Bungie lay out are The Law when it comes to Halo, so we have to go with that, and that's what we do.

    Oh, and Blaze, why such hate? As a prominent map maker I would think that you would approve of anything that helps make better maps without having to spend ages interlocking. Obsession with interlocking skill over the actual finished product of the map is really one of the biggest problems here on Forge Hub, it stops people looking at how good the final map actually is and ends up with people obsessing over 'skillful' interlocks/merges which have no benefit in gameplay. I honestly have no sympathy for such attitudes, and I think it is the single biggest obstacle which keeps Forge down in the greater scheme of map making across games. If you care more about how well you can interlock than about designing a good map and making it as easily as possible in as perfect a way as possible then I have no time for you.
  6. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Sorry, if I'm saying something that's already been said but...

    If it's something that Bungie will remove from your file share, it's obviously something that we don't want to publisize.

    (Again, Sorry if someone's already said this)
  7. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    I hope you're not typically as shortsighted as you made yourself out to be with that post.

    You don't know a thing about the style and spirit of modding. Of course "your average mod" by "your average modder" is going to be pathetic.

    Join any Halo 3 custom game out there and see if the custom map it's played on is well-forged. Of course it won't be. You won't find exceptional mods unless you go to an exceptional modding website like HaloMods. It's the exact same concept in regard to forging. You'll hardly find exceptional mods unless you go to an exceptional forging site like ForgeHub.

    Please explain to me how your post is anything but hypocritical.
    #27 RaVNzCRoFT, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2009
  8. OMGClutch69

    OMGClutch69 Ancient
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    Agreeing with Ravnz
    I actually played an amazing modded map called Half Pit. instead of having forged **** everywhere there was an invisible wall half way down the map separating it into a perfect FFA map.
  9. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    if modding is bad and banned how are modded maps and non-halo pics still on Fileshars

    btw the modded jungle maqs own

    edit-and on alot of modded maps ther laggy w/ alot of players or sometimes only leader can see the mods.
    #29 Plan B, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2009
  10. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    Well the thing is, Halo is meant to be fun. If you have a -17 k/d spread then why play? because you are still having fun. Modding can be fun, so why not allow it. Some people have the game just for a certain reason that they find fun. So if Bungie doesn't allow something that some people find fun, they are losing customers. Just I find it annoying how every time I show my little brothers friends an actually good map, the first question is "Is this modded" then, he being the only one with the mic asked back "I think so..."

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