Sandbox UFHMG Coaster

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by geranamo, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. geranamo

    geranamo Ancient
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    Warning: May Cause Seizures!

    Download: UFHMG Coaster

    Credit for the purpose, function, and idea for these types of maps go to UNKNOWN FRENZY, helzmessenger, and Geranamo...hence the name "UFHMG." This was still built by me, Geranamo, and it is just a blast. There is no real gametype for this since there is no objective, just have fun.
    You'll start out in the crypt and walk up a ramp. You'll see a strange teleporter portal. Don't be afraid to jump in. I'll let you experience the ride for yourselfs, but at the end you get a prize! A racetrack in the skybubble is waiting for you after you get shot over a killball at lightspeed....oh go faster than you can imagine the whole time, I'd say a little slower than the speed of light. Hope you like and download this map, it was fun making.
    P.S. You might not make it every time ^_^











    #1 geranamo, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2009
  2. Caretaker

    Caretaker Ancient
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    I was hoping to see this on FH. I was scrollin' through the recent Sandbox maps and came across this. One of the coolest things I've seen on Sandbox yet. Good job bro. 10/10 for the epic strobe light this map makes.
  3. Snict

    Snict Ancient
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    Nice map! I would say 8/10. I liek the killball obstacle.
    #3 Snict, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  4. CJ firefox

    CJ firefox Ancient
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    OMG when you carry a warning you arn't kidding. This is amazing so much fun especially the first time. I went onto a mongoose in the sky bubble then when a friend told me he was coming through I went full speed into the guy coming at me at mac 10 and he killed me and destroyed the mongoose. He died as well but he got a splatter medal for it using his own body. So much fun 10/10
  5. helzmessenger

    helzmessenger Ancient
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    hey geranmo "our map" is doin pretty good ;) ill put mu UFHMG up pretty soon...
  6. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    Heheh, I love this kind of stuff.
    It's not the first of it's kind, but it's well executed.
    The original I believe was made by JDSpudster on Foundry, then Avalanche.
    But those both killed you. You should check 'em out, maybe they'll give you some more inspiration to make this one even better? They're entitled "Accelatron"
    But back to this, I like the little racetrack you put there. It looks very clean, despite the lack of banked turns.
    9/10, now go make more stuff!
  7. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Man this map looks fun, but the only thing is, is this a race track or a telecoaster, and how do you hit mach 10 after you jump through the portal? There are some vague things about this map that I just plainly don't get. Maybe an overview of the "mach 5 generator" or "the thing that makes you go mach 5" would help me understand. This map still looks pretty fun, though.

    Edit after playtest.
  8. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    The race track was disapointing. I'll say that but the map was altogether pretty fun. The first part was near amazing but i kept getting stuck where my friend could do everything perfectly. Maybe host is or isn't required.
  9. geranamo

    geranamo Ancient
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    There have been known glitches where some people can not gain enough speed when playing online with other people. I call it slow lag, no different than any other lag, but having that connection in this type of map will make the teleporters not work as well. It usually fixes itself after a good amount of time. And the race track was just put there for a prize, no intension of making it good or not. Hope that answers some questions! :)
  10. geranamo

    geranamo Ancient
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    I have never had someone actually spatter someone at that point in the game, just hurt them. That's really cool

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