Problems with modders?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by THE SPEC1NAT0R, Apr 23, 2009.


    THE SPEC1NAT0R Ancient
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    Why is modded content considered "BAD" I have never heard of any bad things that come from it. You can create amazing maps by modding. You can add shade turrets for a defence map or a gause warthog turret. Pelicans as dropships. Maybe even a scarib. Why is modding so bad?
    (I do not mod, I just think it is cool)
  2. OMGClutch69

    OMGClutch69 Ancient
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    Because it is illegal.
  3. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Obviously, you're unaware that not only Forgehub taboo's modding, but so does rule abiding halo communities. Modding is derived from the word 'Modifications'. Illegally tampering with your system so you can have what you want when you want it, and yes it is illegal. The reason Forgehub specifically bars modding is the fact that we, along with many other forging communities, are high in prestige, having Bungie closely watching us. It wouldn't be such a good role to take if we were to allow modding, it may even shatter our friendship with Bungie, ruining our reputation. Modding may be 'cool', but honestly it's against the rules. I was to oblivious to realize that, hence having my file share banned, and being banned from Halo 2 matchmaking. The discussion of modding is perfectly acceptable, as long as it is supervised and no links are transferred. Sorry if you feel hurt with this truth being realized, but Mods are not allowed on Forgehub.

    I personally feel, and this is my honest and independent opinion, that if you don't have full comprehension of the mechanics behind modding, you shouldn't actually be discussing it. While it's a game, which is definitely not perfect, Bungie/Microsoft gave us regulations to abide by.
    #3 Playerhata27, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2009

    THE SPEC1NAT0R Ancient
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    I know what modding is. I know you have to hack using a mod or computer. It is true that modding is against regulations but what if they allowed it? There would be no LIMITS to forge. about 6 months ago (or before bungies last update) It said that modded last resort was the most played map in halo! Bungie allowed it for a year or so then started cracking down. Moding does not HARM anyone so what is the problem.

    I do understand modding. My friend opened up his x-box and put in a clip that allows him to mod.(stupid though he voided his waranty) I watched a video of a guy hack his xbox and alter the code of halo and make the maps. Why don't they make regular forge and special forge.
    #4 THE SPEC1NAT0R, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2009
  5. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Copyright laws. You blame Bungie for doing so, when it's actually Microsoft, or at least a large portion of the ranting is. Tampering with a copyrighted system is illegal, like hacking your computer to do illegal functions. Not only that, but modding isn't all fun and games, as most Halo 2 players have learned. Halo 3 competitive modding has yet to been invented due to complex Halo 3 limitations and coding, yet Modding isn't always for fun. People use it maliciously to win matchmaking games, intentionally boosting their level and experience. I won't reply to the 'what if' comment, because 'what if' Halo 3 had kittens as players, and 'what if' you could shoot rockets out of SMG's? I say be glad that modding is unacceptable.

    Special Forge? Seriously? Sorry for the aggressive attitude, but that's just a ludicrous proposal. Doing so would turn Halo into chaos, having massive law breaking, and making it unfair for people who don't Mod. Also, understand that the initial purpose of Forge was not to make actual maps, or create alternate environments, but to edit previously made Bungie maps. It seems even Bungie has lost the definition though, which is for the best or the worst.
    #5 Playerhata27, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2009

    THE SPEC1NAT0R Ancient
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    By special forge I mean You can place pelicans and big ships. I personaly think if you made 2 scaribs on sandbox and had them face off it would be lots of fun.
    Just make it so it is no longer modding. just make it a part of them game. This will make people not put chips in their x-boxes and save microsoft some hastle.
    #6 THE SPEC1NAT0R, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2009
  7. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    Why would that be special your still placing objects.
  8. OMGClutch69

    OMGClutch69 Ancient
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    Not every modder puts "chips" in the boxs. Most softmod and its cheap and easy, people would still mod if this was introduced into the game. Modding has endless opportunities i am not promoting it but it will continue to happen no matter what i say.
  9. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    Not really. Every Halo modder on this planet started his modding career at the very same website, where they do not condone and have never condoned cheating for a SECOND.

    In short, there are few available resources that teach people how to cheat using mods. It's not nearly as big a problem as people make it out to be. Believe me.
    #9 RaVNzCRoFT, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2009
  10. OMGClutch69

    OMGClutch69 Ancient
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    Uhm yeah it is a huge problem. Have you ever played halo 2? try and get a 50 legit in that, or even a 35. And I modded halo 2 and i used a website that showed me how to soft/hard mod/bridge/circle boost this was for halo 2 though and this website is still around today which teaches complete noobs how to mod.

    The first two years there wasnt any modding in halo 2 matchmaking. Just wait till that one person learns how to mod in halo 3 matchmaking. He will post it on some shitty website and then noobs who have no idea what they are doing to their computer/xbox will start ruining the game.
  11. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i do not believe this statement to be correct.
  12. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    It's an exaggeration; obviously not every single person started there. But there's one main site that was the first/best in Halo modding when it first became known, and nearly every modder started there.

    OMGClutch, I was talking about Halo 3, not Halo 2. I should have specified which game I was talking about, although few people play Halo 2 anymore and this site is about Halo 3.
  13. OMGClutch69

    OMGClutch69 Ancient
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    RaVNzCRoFT how you said that the site doesnt promote cheating for ranks. Well just wait till it happens once in a mm game.
  14. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    My point is that not too many people mod in matchmaking in large part because the mainstream modding website does not condone doing so.

    I played Halo 2 plenty of times and I only came across matchmaking modders once. They all get banned, anyway.
    #14 RaVNzCRoFT, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2009
  15. OMGClutch69

    OMGClutch69 Ancient
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    obviously you didnt play halo 2 that much. As of now, there is no way to mod in mm.

    An $8 1month modder boosts his friend up to a 50 sells 50 for $20-60. yeah he will get banned but not the bridger/guy getting boosted. this thread should really be locked its so off topic.
  16. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    you cannot mod Halo 3 to cheat matchmaking without hacking the system that runs the map and only Bungie has done this in their Sandbox humpday. And you cannot place Scarabs on to Sandbox because it is not already a part of the map their is no tag for in other words it doesnt exsist on the map u do u think their arent pelicans on other maps than pit and rats nest? also modding is not cheap its free unless you intend to buy a dev kit which are 600-1200ish dollars and take alot of skill to run. And to break one last myth you cannot forge entirely from your computer. Modders most place an object and then swap its identity tag for another object. EX: placing a pallet then changing it to a double wall on the real map. And i respect few modders most modders place spartans and elites and other things on maps and think they are legit Picetta and HaloDude03 r the only ppl (to my knowledge though ive seen a few more maps but dont no the author) who have made maps that ppl can actually do something worth a while on and while you might not awe b/c they lack elites scattered about they have managed comp. and race maps that are exciting.

    last statement no i dont not support modding I just feel people have the wrong idea about it.
  17. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    Modding is just one of those things that you don't want to get involved with. Things can get messy, and you shouldn't be tampering with a system. I realize you just want to mod maps, not cheat, but it's still risky. Trust me, it's a bad idea.
  18. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    I'm sure it's possible, I just don't know if it's been done yet.

    How is this off topic? The thread is about modding and we're discussing the issue of modding.
  19. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    Lets not forget Gary's mod guys. Where modding is widely accepted.

    THE SPEC1NAT0R Ancient
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    BACK ON TOPIC!!! this thread is about cool modding in custom games and forge. we already know everyone hates modding in match making. This is about discusing the benifits for modding in forge. and annoying draw backs with problems with microsoft.
    Garys mod can be fun, embrace the giant robots on COD
    #20 THE SPEC1NAT0R, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2009

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