Sandbox Reminiscent

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mini Waz, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. Mini Waz

    Mini Waz Ancient
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    I have had several suggestions to change some of the weapons and their location. I have updated the original post with all of the respected changes, thanks everyone for coming up with the great suggestions.
  2. Spirit798

    Spirit798 Ancient
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    Ok, downloaded a while ago, and I finally got the time to play on it.
    Played with only 3 people, though, but hell it played fantastic - not much to say.

    I wanted to say that when you destroy the fusion coil near the sniper, the sniper just flies to the other side of the main platform, so if you wanted to have it and you were there, you could destroy it and the sniper comes flying your way - but it only works with stickies, apparantly.
    So you can basically scratch that comment.

    Other point I really wanted to say, though, The Man Cannon. I don't know if that's been changed in a more recent version - if that's the case, I should download it, but... Really. On an aesthetically beautifull map, it's an ugly ugly sight that makes the map feel a lot less wonderfull than it could be.
    Hide it, possibly under the block it's standing on to keep it's effect or lay one on top of it or anything really.
    It takes an incredible forged-for-the-cannon surrounding, and an forger to make the mancannon look good in a map. And your map just doesn't make that happen.

    Anyway, although this low wall made purely of text may not be all shiny and well-polished, I like the mix of Lockout and Gaurdian, that are like father and son maps in my eyes.
    Very nicely done, just not perfect yet, 4.5/5.
  3. Mini Waz

    Mini Waz Ancient
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    I like the suggestion about the man cannon, i'll merge it into the floor and see if it affects the actual purpose.

    About the fusion coil, its there to make area more risky to traverse. A well placed frag grenade can take out any one who is up there. Right now, i have no intentions of changing this but thanks for the man cannon suggestion.
  4. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    This map is pretty much amazing. I have yet to get a game on it, but saw you playing it with Cheerful Dub and decided to give it a download. I'm so glad I did. I love how instead of remaking Lockout, you took some of the features from it and added a lot more. The aesthetics are amazing. I like the borders on ramps, etc. I really think that adds a great deal to a map by making it look more professional. That's a good word for this map: professional. It looks like a ton of fun to play on. Hopefully I can get a game on it soon. Fantastic map.
  5. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    This is nice. I wanted to do this when the maps first leaked out but I didnt get them. I dont have to now, ill just play yours. This looks very good. I dont really care for the teleporters but I like the way you set this up. I like the use of weapons from both maps but I would of liked it better with the sword instead of the hammer. Thats just me though, I hate the Hammer. Great job, I'll DL this.
  6. l ABlindGuy l

    l ABlindGuy l Ancient
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    Looks like a really solid map, a re-make of Lockout to me. I am going to DL now, and the map looks like there are no mistakes within it, so I hope it plays great.
  7. Icedogd44

    Icedogd44 Ancient
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    i just downloaded it and will keep it, but on the side structures there isnt enough cover. For v.2 add more cover there. And the middle is too plain. Maybe make it bigger and more cover there too. but besides that i give it a 3.5/5. I would submit this to be tested at the Testers Guild forum, that will help you make it much better.
  8. Enslaved bunny

    Enslaved bunny Ancient
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    Nice. I have been waiting for a guardian related map. I can definately teel the resemblence from blackout, but I dont see much from guardian. This map looks like it would play very nicely. Your interlocking is very clean and smooth, and the combination of the two maps looks great. I just cant get enough of these kind of maps. overall 5/5
  9. Puppythiefer

    Puppythiefer Ancient
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    Looks pretty beastly, small and beastly---dunno about eight players on this, but I'll have to give it a download and see.

    Also, the purple merge is so pretty. People ought to do that more.

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