Conquest map----Funquest Just a new conquest map i only took me about 2 hours to make which resulted in a pretty crappy map Lol...but I like it I thought it was Fun and Im just wondering What you think about it. Weapons list: 2 brutes 2 snipes 4 plasma G's 4 plasma rifles 4 smgs 4 spikers 1 needler 4 brs By the way this map has a lot of territorys to capture (10).And also the plasma G's are hidden so it will take some time health and ammo to get them but there so worth it. Now for the pics Where both teams start Reds first and second territory sniper brute shot Blue side Blues elbow center terry(open to sniper fire so watch out) Reds elbow An overview
Well, you seem to have adequate cover, and the map reminds me of narrows for obvious reasons. But... it just doesn't seem complete, 'tis far too small for a conquest map with ten points on it. If you added some crisscrossing catwalks and maybe some passages under the main triangle, you could spice up the gameplay and add depth to this one dimensional thing you got going here. 3/5, moar defp!
no you cant spawn kill believe me...also keep in mind that this is a conquest map...adding catwalks under the map is a ballzy move for conquest. I like it!!!!
Trust me. Triangle conquest maps are a tough sell. This is the one I posted a couple of days ago... This is the back view, and I had 95% of the map covered within 7 territories. Its seems to be too tough to add enough cover for the players. Good luck though! Great minds think alike!
Your triangle map looks great.I wish my triangle was a cool as yours..urs looks alot neater...heyy wait a min...arent u suppose to be talking abput my map Lol..jus kiddin ur map dos look good though
I didn't mean to show my map off, I just wanted to show you that I made a map fairly similar to yours and it wasn't very popular. Your map does have alot more cover though. Sorry about posting that pic, I don't know if that was against the forum rules.
It wouldn't be don't worry haha. Well I like both of these maps alot and maybe this triangle concept will continue on... Maybe for a V2 (if you want to make one) you could try the elevation idea, maybe two stories instead of one. Also, I can see alot more than conquest being played on this map. Maybe consider different gametype set-ups?
You have a fairly good idea going. You should add catwalks and side platforms to add a different feel to it. But right now it is great for a conquest map. 4/5
Ummmmmmmmmmmm.... Yeah.......... You can only have 8 territories in a game....... And in conquest you have to have an odd number of territories....
i think it looks pretty good, maybe if you added a little side base that connects to the pathways and added a little bit of cover, it would be great, looks well forged but the only problem that i see right now is gameplay. other than that it looks good, 3.95/5 good job
I don't think most of you posting have any idea what conquest is... you arent suposed to be able to flank your enemy because the maps are suposed to be linear.... This is a very nice example of a conquest map.... no extra catwalks are needed.... one thing I would say is making the central bridge thing a little bit wider.... to help prevent annoying fall deaths... overall good forge 4/5
Looks good i have a similar idea but its not really for conquest. Idk it has a good feel but i think having a center piece that you could jump to rather than walk to would help it a little.