Bungie should do this!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by urban destroyer, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. urban destroyer

    urban destroyer Ancient
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    Now this is just a thought and it might sound silly but wouldnt it be cool if bungie made an official Zombie playlist thats always there not just like a dbl xp thing.They should make like an MLG for Zombies and turn the whole Zombie game to be very competitive not just a casual.I was thinking they could call MLZ major league Zombies,i mean even if you dont like zombies doesnt that sound sick!!!! Also it be cool if they made a playlist where people submited there forged maps and bungie could make a whole playlist on playing other people forged maps...like a custom game except you get xp!!!!! of course bungie would have to give the ok for the map to enter the playlist but wouldnt that just be ****ing awsome!!!!!!! Well i think so and if anyone agrees Just say so.
  2. OMGClutch69

    OMGClutch69 Ancient
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    MLG only exists because it is highly competitive where team work is crucial and there are multiple websites/communities that are dedicated to promote Major League Gaming. So that brings us to MLZ a full time zombie playlist it is only played for the double exp. Grifball would become an official gametype way before zombies since Grifball kind of involves skill and team work.
  3. urban destroyer

    urban destroyer Ancient
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    Like i sayed i just think it be a cool idea...anyways Zombies definently involves team work...humans need to stick together to stay alive and zombies need to work together to kill the humans...like i sayed it be good if they made good competitive maps for it.unlike these **** maps they make for dbl xp....make the maps where the humans and zombies are forced to use team work.And i realy dont care if they make it like mlg i guess i was going a bit far there but at leat make a social playlist out of it
  4. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    If they did make a playlist for infection they would probably use the same shitty maps they use in double xp because they seem to hate any map with acutual potential so they choose from the bottom of the barrel. I'm suprised I haven't seen fat kid on 4 levels yet.
  5. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Playlists are chosen very carefully, but this is the main reason Infection will probably never be a playlist: usability. Imagine you just got the game, you see 'Infection'. This sounds cool, you get to shoot hordes of zombies! You are then completely caught off guard when you spawn with a sword and don't know what to do...this game sucks. Basically, it needs to be really, really easy to pick up instantly. And Infection isn't that. That's also the reason Rocket Race was removed, as fun as it is.
  6. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
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    Teamwork? As soon as a human becomes a zombie, can't he just screw them over.
  7. urban destroyer

    urban destroyer Ancient
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    Well if not infection then why not my custom games in matchmaking idea?That sounds like a good plan I think.You dont even need to make it a full blow playlist,why not like a double experience thing???
  8. Ethrock

    Ethrock Ancient
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  9. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    If they made the infection playlist that you are wanting, they would end up using the maps that they use on the double experience weekends, that in my opinion, suck really bad. Plus I think people will always find ways to cheat on infection, I dont care how many corrections and improvements are made, it seems like people still seem to find a way to play the game the way its not supposed to be played.
  10. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Zombies is not competitive, and never will be. But I like the idea of iinfection in MM, although it has been suggested many times before on b.net.
  11. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    At least if this happens, you're party wont want to play infection over and over again.
  12. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    First, do you have some wort of wierd obsession with exp?

    Secondly, I agree with OMGClutch, also Bungie didn't make Major League Gaming, therefore I'm not too sure but MLZ could possibly be a breach of copyright, or something along those lines.

    Third, there isn't a playlist which you submit your forged maps to. But you can play on forged maps in MatchMaking, and get your own maps in MatchMaking, all you have to do is submit your map to Atlas and hope it is accepted to go into MatchMaking.
  13. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    Infection just wasn't meant for MatchMaking. It's very casual no matter what you do to it, and it's very easy to cheat the system. It's unbalanced and people are always finding cheap places to hide/camp. Bungie's map variants suck, and there's just no way that Infection should be a MM playlist. Sorry, but that's how I feel. I'm not against infection, and I think they can be fun in custom games, but the gametype wasn't meant for MM.

    Off Topic: I lol'd when you mentioned "Major League Zombies." MLG and Infection are basically complete opposites. MLG = highest level of competition. Infection = silly and casual.

    Again, I'm not flaming Infection or anything, but I found that funny :)
    #13 Love Slice, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  14. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    sorry but infection will never get its own playlist cause the bungie maps suck major penor
  15. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
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    Please... try to avoid run on sentences and excessive use of excaimation marks. This discussion is fine, but the tone of the OP almost biased me towards handing out spam warnings and locking the thread. Just try to keep the quality of posts to a certain minimum standard guys.
  16. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Agreed. Now onto the topic...

    As of late I have taken a keen interest in infection, but do not let that be confused with me liking to play infection. I know that this may sound hypocritical, but I assure you that it is not. During the past Double Exp. Weekend, I played a good number of infection games in that playlist, and why I decided to do this is beyond me. Perhaps I was looking for a break from Manifest 2, or was looking to see what exactly it is people liked about infection so much. After all those days of playing, I was never able to figure out what exactly made infection so much "fun" for everyone else. However, I did discover why it was not fun.

    I've always thought that the maps were the issue with Infection, a poor map with lots of camp-able places made for unbalanced gameplay. But during my excursion I realized that it was, in fact the gametype itself. Of all the infection variants I played, not a single one had both human and zombies be both balanced and fun. So I looked at maps here, and even played a few, but still found no well balanced infection maps (and I am talking about actual infection, not things like Smear the Pinky).

    So what does this have to do with Infection and MatchMaking? As previously said, matchmaking is for the most part, competative. In order for something to be even slightly competative it has to be balanced. Infection, is not this. However, I do beleive it can be, and that is why I have an interest in it, for I feel that someday there will be a balanced game of infection both fun for humans and for zombies. It's only when this happens, and we see several maps of this quality, that I believe that infection could have a future in matchmaking. For now, it will need to remain a Double Exp. and Custom Game activity. Before it could ever even think of leaving that domain, Infection will have to improve a considerable amount to something that is actually playable and fun for both parties.

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