The best scarab i've evere seen!!! When i opened it at first i was thinking "god another scarab" but then i see this. It's arguably the exact same design. Thnx for demonstrating how an aesthetic map is suppose to look like.
Thats scarabs really cool. Shame about the money budget, though if you had another $20 in forge you could have put a bomb spawn and bomb placement and made it an assault map (cos spawns are free) where 1 team has to pick up a bomb and place it in the back of the scarab, and the other team can be the covenant defending the scarab. Good Map 4.7/5
Sweet, best scarab I have seen. I can't wait too see more from you in the future. Certainley a download. 5/5 This need be featured
I would like it to be featured, but some map, i didn't really pay much attention... just got featured and i doubt they would feature this one the enxt day, also i think a map must have gameplay to be featured.
Not true. Look at Val and Felipe Dos. They are both mainly aesthetic forgers and they are premiums now.
you need to put a way to get in the scarab, just for looks. I played this map, speant ten minutes trying to get to the scarab, then went into forge. You have 30$ left, just make some man cannons and teleporters up to the scarab
Well, it's not a map to be played on in that kind of way, thats why i didnt put any teleporters or anything.
yes best scarab ever good job looks like a rock scarab lol like a statue or someptin lol "im chargin mah lazaaaar" i like your shoop reference
except his scarab has like no detail on it and ive played on it and it really isnt very fun. Also don't be advertising other peoples maps on my thread please Thanks.
I have made scarabs before and to tell you the truth this one looks good mainly because of the legs. There is still work to be done on the body, so think about making another version. Last thing is if you are going to make a new generation of scarabs add gameplay with an actual environment to play on.3/5
He probably only lowered my score because he's the guy who made the map End Of World, of which the other guy was refering to, and is angry that my Scarab is doing better than his, despite the fact he reposted his scarab like three different times over four months trying to get more and more people to see it without bumping, although this issue hasn't been addressed.
this is by far the best scarab ever built. everything looks Exactly like the real scarab. every detail, your the first ive seen to make the flaps on the legs and the head is amazing. this truly has to be featured. hands down i say this is the best aesthetic map ive ever seen. from what i see there seems to be some crookedness but that doesnt matter at all with a life size replica. id like to see you make some more maps this great you should probably put a shield(although your out of money) on the back right behind the grav lift so you can still shoot it this is better than end of world BY FAR
The scarab was missing some things but about 90% of it is accurate. I dont know what you mean about the shield door on the back behind the grav lift though...
'Never seen a better Scarab. It's a shame you cannot drive it. Extremely good work, Earth inhabitant.
Actually im from pluto. Even if it were possible to drive scarabs it would be so laggy, i think i'd actually prefer it not being drivable if the lag would kill gameplay.