Skybowl Bridge by Vigilent24 -Download Here- Summary and Goals: My first forged map intended for competitive play is primarily an objective based map that is best suited for 8-16 players to have a fun balanced skirmish. As of now the only gametypes that are supported are team slayer and capture the flag. I was hoping to add Assault as well as KotH, unfortunately it seems that I have run into not only my budget limit, but also my item cap. My one true goal for this map is for at least one player in every game to come into the post game lobby wanting to tell everyone about his "epic" moment where he/she was able to fight against all odds and win the game for his/her team. Map Description/Layout: I forged this map in the skybox of sandbox to host my favorite Halo 3 gametype, capture the flag. The layout of the maps consists of two bases (red/blue) that are connected by a thin and coverless bridge that banks down from either side to a smaller center structure. The center structure leads off to two lower bridges which then circles back around to the back of each base. Each base has a single main entranceway to the first floor along with a few specific jumps that can be made to enter the base through other means. The first floor has a decent amount of cover provided by walls although there are multiple openings for some exchange of bullets/nades. A ramp in the back of the base can either lead you up to the second floor that is devoid of any sort of reliable cover or down to the lower bridge. I attempted to give the spiraling ramps in the back enough cover to sneak in, but not enough to hide from a circling hornet. A mongoose sits at the entrance of each base, just waiting for the right moment to attempt a suicide bum rush up the steep incline at the end of the bridge. The center structure consists of a simple tunnel running perpendicular to the main "bowl" bridge with access to a small second floor platform. The tunnel ends where a large ramp begins which leads up a high dividing wall. Splitting off in opposite directions from one side of the this wall are two lower bridges that each lead around to the back of the bases where a spiraling system of ramps leads enemy players up to the first and second floors. At the meeting point of the two lower bridges is a single shield door for the dangerous possibility of a quick bum rush through the "backend" of the enemy. On the other side of the center structure lies a very simple and coverless dead end bridge which carries the ever so important transport hornet (sniper bait). Weapon Placements: I spent many hours throughout my time building this map pondering the many possibilities of how simple it would be to ruin the balance of the map with the wrong weapon placements. These weapon placements stick with the guideline that no team will easily be able to control the map. In each base I wanted both teams to have the weapons they would need to take down an assaulting team in close combat by supplying them with dual weapons (smg, spikers). I also wanted each team to have at least 2 options in base to take down the hornet, which is why I placed both a turret and a missile pod that can easily be reached in time to crush any attempt at a quick flag cap. Each team has a single sniper rifle at their disposal as well as numerous battle rifles for some fun ranged combat across the map. At the base of the flag spawn, you will find a single power drain which should have many uses at the top of a huge hill. In the center of the map, you will find a nice arrangement of both power and key defense equipment. A rocket launcher, shotgun, and needler sit opposite each other on the second floor platform directly above the middle of the bowl bridge. Along the tunnel of the center outpost, you will discover a regenerator and a bubble shield which are both essential for any successful flag cap run. At the top of the dividing wall above the intersection of the lower bridges, a lone spartan laser sits against a single column of cover. These power weapons, if used correctly, can easily give you the advantage, but they wont do much for a team who doesnt like to get up close and personal with their enemies. Along each of the lower bridges, a carbine and a brute shot are waiting to be used at any player's discretion for either assaulting or defending. I decided that to try and increase the fun and maximize the efficiency of each weapon/equipment placement that I would place most items in the parts of the map relative to where they would be most needed and useful to the players. Map Layout Screenshots: Map overview: Front of Blue Base: Back of Blue Base: Center Structure: Lower Bridge: Screens from our test play of the map: Thank you for looking at my map "Skybowl Bridge", I look forward to hearing your comments and criticism. EDIT: New thread created because I accidentally used the wrong title, I apologize. -Vigilent24
This looks amazing. I love the concept and the way it's been executed. My only critisicsm would be that the bridge is a bit of a death trap. Do you actually benefit anything out of walking down the bridge that jumping wouldn't benefit? Anyway, I love the look of the map. It seems like a definite download. However, next time, try and just...smooth it out just a bit. Great job, though. 8/10.
Wow, this looks really good. It is a good layout, the power weapons aren't overkill. My only negative comments are that you would probably get slaughtered by BRs on the bridges and it looks kind of rough. If it was more smooth, it would attract a lot more attention. It looks good right now though and the gameplay doesn't seem to have anything wrong with it. I also like the fact that you did what most people wouldn't have done and made the building in the center for cover. Good job, I like it.
wow this looks like a great map to play CTF and oddball on, its a definate download from me, however as one of the posts above me said, the bridge does look like a bit of a death trap, maby in a version 2 add some cover to the bridge. so great map, maby add some cover to the bridge 4 out of 5
ok just afew things. 1 center = death mabey you should put a power weapon or hornet there. 2 the bridge looks REALLY narrow and if you would go down it with a mongoose it looks like you would die easily. but other than those two the map looks flawless. i will DL this one for shure. 8.5/10
It looks great, and probably plays great, but I would remove the hornet in v2 And I agree, the center does look like a death ramp
I really like this map and your very creative but I would suggest one other way to get to the middle like a well placed mancannon or one or two way teleporter. Other than that and some other things the people above me posted I like your map.
holy crap, that is amazing, the curved walkways and angles are awesome, and its crazy how you made this, your map post and description is great, you take off maybe one or two of the effects and you may have a possible feature, but ya never know. I just realized the shield doors, take them out or you will suffer a horrible death. Because a noob was camping with a shotty. 5/5 excellent forging, will DL, take out the shield doors and one of the effects and its perfect
Thank you all for the replies, Im already working on V2 as of now. Ive already smoothed out the back of the base so you cant just fall down the stairwell by accident. I have also provided a a slight increase in cover for the back of each base due to my more sudden realizations that the hornet is a massive nuisance. I understand the criticism that the main bridge is way too open, I would have liked to add more cover to both the main bridge and the lower bridge if it werent for the fact that Im already at my budget limit and item cap. Ive been tinkering away at every possibility to add more budget so I can add cover, but its getting difficult. For the most part, the center bridge is a last resort for getting to the center of the map, hence the mongoose. Also, does anyone else believe that the shield doors at the meeting point of the lower bridges should be taken down? I will continue to make adjustments with great respect to your criticism and suggestions, V2 will be coming soon. Question: Once V2 is done, should I create a new thread or simply update this existing one? -Vigilent24
Congrats on the nice map & original idea. The bridges offer no point to walk down (easier to jump), but walking up is a must. It seems like your aim here was to include many narrow walkways, like the rear of the bases along with the bridges. EDIT: Remove the shield door, it's sorta pointless, along with the mongooses. I usually love vehicles, but the mongoose has almost no where to drive! Think of the mongeese! About v2: Make a new thread, unless the only changes are a few spawns and a little weapon change. If geometry or any major changes/semi-major take place, I recommend a new thread. Just let this one burn alone in the endless thread death pit.
Thanks for the advice, I just found a way to add some much needed cover to the center bridge in the form of a small tunnel section on each main bridge. As you are the second person to suggest getting rid of the shield doors and also by taking in everyone's general disdain for snowbound, ive decided to get rid of the shield door in favor of some regular solid cover.