thanks again guys for all the wonderful comments. Also to all you flag fans the map plays extremely well with 1 flag.
I just did a forge through, and found some parts are out of proportion, there is missing walls, walkway wasn't like that, and it isn't straight, and other parts just arn't neat and it would be better if it was completely interlocked because there are a lot of gaps. Also the banshee is screwed over if it goes to close to the grass, which it wasn't like that in Halo 2. Especially in the Sniper tower, you are completely out of proportion and are missing a lot of walls, and the bottom ramp in behind was directly under the top behind ramp, so you could not jump from 1 to the other. This map however has them stair-like. And to all the people wh are saying that this will win, it's not, and I am not trying to be mean, but the people that say that havn't played the map. Also there is a 0-38$ gap for the first object, so it was originally Budget Glitched, but isn't now
That 0-38$ gap you speak of happens a lot on sandbox, just not the same for everyone. For whatever reason some stuff becomes budget glitched, like on the map I'm making it does the same thing and we noticed a few things were budget glitched on there own like brs and walls, it was weird. I know for a fact though that this wasn't or isn't budget glitched because I helped pixie find the items that were mysteriously budget glitched.
you make a better one then lets talk ok. im sorry but im sure you couldnt do much better with the few items we have to use and the amount of budget.
OMG. haha. This IMO would win the Map Remake Contest. No offense to the others who have made awesome remakes as well. This is the best Ascension that I've seen, And I'm confident that there won't be one better than it anytime soon(or ever).
How was that a legitimate response at all?, did I ever say "O YEA I COULD DO BETTER" all I said was it wasn't a good remake when you actually look at unlike most everyone here before they say "THis going to win for sure" Don't be an elitist especially when, if I actually wanted to remake a map, I wouldn't leave out random walls and change elevations and proportions around.
w/e dude im not saying it cant be cleaned up for what is there im just saying we had to sacrifice the unneeded things, which you want on the map, for the things that had to be on the map for it to run smooth. go play on it with your friends and see how well it plays for slayer and 1 flag then comment back
He was just giving an honest map review. You can't be mad at him for that, so stop being so defensive. He is entitled to his opinion. Besides, he never said it wouldn't play well. As for him saying it wouldn't win, I'm not so sure. I think it could, personally. But please, please, please find a way to fix the small tower. I know you're out of objects (or budget, w/e), but It would be great if you could find a way to make it bigger and add some cover.
You clearly have no forging ability at all the middle structure doesn't even spin like in the original LOL I can't believe people are hatin on this map you did amazing with what was available there aren't any big errors i think that this will most likely stand as the best ascension remake made Great job guys i love it P.S: If you were god you would have made it move but unfortunately we do not have those abilities
Yes, yes this is a great remake and all but I am sure many of you have noticed the, "magnetic field," surrounding the tin cups. This becomes quite annoying concerning the banshee. They do make the asthetics better, but it hinders gameplay. Over all a good remake though 8/10
Ok... so many replies to tend to. For everyones info, this map was never budget glitched.The reason for the gap is the fact that I did not use any canvas maps and started off by deleting all the original objects but kept the weapons and spawns before starting the map. 2.To Spartan III, yes those are problems but they are minor problems. However, I would like to explain that I had made it so that the banshee would spawn at the same time as the missile pod. The teleporter had to be interlocked, if not, when you jump down you would most likely land on the teleporter. Also, if I made the platform lower, The mancannon would not work. And don't tell me to fix this, the platform is already on the grid. There probably will be a V2 so we will work on that. Thanks for the constructive criticism. 3. To STWOW, thanks for the honest review, but you could have made it less harsh. I know about the tin cup magnetic pull problem but if it was made of the blocks, we would have run out of money. We'll try to fix that in the V2. Oh and Pixie Dust, don't get so worked up. Not all reviews have to be good. Also, I have to agree that the small sniper tower looks a bit off, but it works well. Again, we'll try to fix this in the possible V2.
Definitely a nice map, I'm a bit disappointed on the Y-Axis scaling.. as I'm sure you noticed while forging, it probably wasn't as elevated as it should have been. One thing you may need to fix however is the main base. Since it's going to be used most often, that's probably the base that needs the most attention, and from the looks of it it wasn't sealed with the original halo 2 map in mind. I only glanced at the screenshots.. but from the looks of it, you could easily jump from the bottom floor of the base all the way to the top were the turret is. Luckily it's an easy fix, because you have to remember... some people just want to play the map, and others want the maps for their jump tactics, accuracy, etc. The closer you are to the original, then the happier the larger majority will be. IMO, just fix the main tower, and I personally will be satisfied.
huntedmast, i am glad you are taking my comments the right way: as help to improve your maps. i am grateful personally that you have not become extremely defensive about it, and appreciate that quality very much (plus i seem to lack it )
Great job, HunTedMeat. This is definitely a high quality map, and I've downloaded. I know you can't help it, but this does look small compared to the normal Ascension. Enter this one in the contest, then maybe you could take everyone's suggestions and make a new, budget-glitched version? I'm not sure this will win the contest, but it should be in the top 5.
Great map, I loved, just some things: 1. In ascention you are able to go to the top of the central structure, can you do this? 2. The teloporters arent quite good. I dont thing the one near the man cannon need to be interlocked and the other one could be on a bigger space. 3. The is no way to make the man cannon "stronger"? 4. Some "rocks" on the edge of the middle would be good too.
Ok, time to answer more questions. To Dragull and Arabacca,1. you can go up the central structure if you like, but only a little bit. 2. The map itself is about 7:10 scale to the original cause I just cant make it any bigger with the limit and no. of objects. 3. If the mancannon was any stronger, you wont land in the right spot, plus this takes up an extra $15 that we just can't afford. 4. We ran out of money for more rocks.5. we might make a budget glitched version if possible but I don't really like the glitch cause I keep messing up and deleting objects that should not be.
Thread has been updated! It is now V1.5 so please download it again as I have fixed many important issues as well as game play changes. More details in original post. And I just realized that we hit the OLN so budget glitching is not an option for V2. Keep posting suggestions please!