Share you Mongoose Story

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Teaco27, Apr 22, 2009.

  1. Teaco27

    Teaco27 Ancient
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    I decided to make this tread to hear about peoples weirdest/coolest/luckiest mongoose stories ever.

    Mine, I was playing a game of team snipers, on standoff, with my friend. We got board so we decided to get on a mongoose.
    At the end of the game, i had 2 splatters and 3 wheelmen, from a mongoose.

    Now i know that mine is NOT the best story out there, so share yours.
  2. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I didn't get this on tape, but I was isolation and I got off the mongoose real quick to kill the guy in front of me, but the mongoose was going fast enough to kill him itself. I got mongoose modown that day.. lol
    I would like to shoot mongooses off the grav lifts on vahalla though. That would be funny lol
  3. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    Mine was when I was goofing off on the last level of Halo and using the hidden Mongoose and I died like 50 times, then I finally started trying and I still couldn't finish lol. That or me splattering a guy who was on a Untouchable, and that was his only death the whole game, and it was slayer.
  4. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Using the mongoose as cover on Sandtrap (Team snipers)

    Hell, it worked too.
  5. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I seem to do that very often. I would usually take a warthog or ghose to an empty area that has a good view and use it for cover. I bring a mongoose to the edges of sandtrap. Its a really good spot to snipe from. Exspecially if the other team spawns over there.
  6. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Once when I was on sandtrap...
    Big team game, I get on a mongoose, a team mates grenade explodes and sends me flying into another team mate. Betrayal. booted.
    I was pissed off. :)
  7. Pluvialis Aquila

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    I have a saved film of me driving a mongoose around in circles and some guy on the other team chasing me and trying to kill me with the assault rifle. I survived for a decent amount of time too.
  8. iTzSilverandrew

    iTzSilverandrew Ancient
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    My mongoose story is on youtube tbh ;P
    Best one i think was just a regular BTB match an some kid BR's me off my goose but his friend threw a nade and blew up my goose and it went flying into both of them and killed em both. XD too bad they weren't my kills.
  9. Bigb779

    Bigb779 Ancient
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    I remember playing a game of One Flag CTF on Last Resort. The other team had my flag and was right on the beach. I hopped on a Mongoose and drove across the map and splattered the flag carrier. After that I returned the flag and saved the game.
  10. Bipolar Mushroom

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    Mine is when i was trying to splatter some1 in high ground when my teamate failed with a rocket and hit behind, flinging me at the guys head, flying over the base wall where the turret is and isplattered an invise guy up there
  11. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I never get tired of splattering people in a mongoose. Sometimes it happens in such weird ways, like you try to get round a tight corner and knock someone over with the side on the goose!
  12. Meeky

    Meeky Ancient
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    Just yesterday I got 17 wheelmans in Team SWAT on a mongoose. Something way weirder happened once though. It's hard to explain. There was just huge lag, and a mongoose splattered me even though no one was driving it. Got me #1 in an MLD Montage
  13. nuvnuv123

    nuvnuv123 Ancient
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    my favorite time of me on a moongoose was when Me and my friend, were on rats nest. we just got on a mongoose nd drove around the entire match. It was awesome. My friend on the back got a triple stick and i, driving, got an double splatter. Then, to end our rade a loser fired a rocket just a little infront of our moongosse sending us flying into the air. we landed on the vip, killing him and my back seat driver. I was stuck, on a dead mongoose, ( it is like when a banshee explodes, and your still atttached to it =)) and I couldn't get out. LOL
  14. HaterSkater15

    HaterSkater15 Ancient
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    I was doing social slayer on last resort and I was driving the mongoose through the ruins. So I come across a guy, and splatter him through a small hallway. That was one of my first mongoose splatters by the way.

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