Hi, I am Dredbr1nger and I am currently forging the epic remake to my CS_Assault map. The gametype is modeled after Counter-Strike; CTs go rescue the hostages. I made a working switch to open up the door for the hostage (VIP) to run back to base to score a point. Only problem is, how do I get this VIP to spawn in the hostage room? I have never meddled around in spawn points and such and I need help. If there isn't a way, can someone suggest a bright idea on how to still have a hostage game legit without honor rules? I don't want to have honor rules like loser has to go on green team or something to be in the cage for the game.
It can't be done. I had a thought similar to this a while back and got no where. Your best bet is to do a CTF variant. and have the flag be the hostage. Wich means that once people are done reading the back story for your map they will no longer be worried abut it and just play it as a CTF map.
well, you could spawn the entire team where you want the hostages to spawn but make the VIP invincible for like 5 seconds after respawn. Drop fusion coils on everyones head so everyone but the VIP die. Then everyone else respawns in the correct area and you have the VIP where you want him.
Hey...that will actually work! I can spawn just one spawn inside the room, and using spawn order there will always be one in there. The flag-carrier just has to make sure he doesn't accidentally drop the flag or he will be shot to death. I will make it where flag man hostage is invincible and stuff. You win 10 INTERNETS for solving my problem. /thread This over-complicates things. XD