Could someone put that constantly changing color effect on these sigs for me? Sorry, i don't know what the effect is called, but it's just a constant color gradient change.
You need someone to animate something. Amirite? could you provide an example of what you want so i can do it?
I can't find an example, but if you want to see what it looks like, go into your editing program, and go colors. Move the hue back in forth slowly, and thats what it woul dlook like. Yes, it is an animation. [edit] Examples: Not as fast as those...
We are NOT going to cheat for you. Any who, I would do it if GAP wasn't so fricking irritating right now.
Wow, do you really think I would do something like that? Are you insane? Yeah, i can be an asshole at times, but i would never do something like that. The whole thing please.
Are you dense? Are you retarded or something? Who the hell do you think he is? He's the goddamn LOCKdownN
No he made an animation between the two images. Watch the sides lol. You were supposed to overlay a colorful gradient and move it.
its so slow that its kind of surprising.. i thought there wasn't anything at first either.. maybe a lil faster