A well balanced map with good for team slayer. A good way to play this map is to capture both high and low points of the map. Because of the way the sniper points are placed, it is easy to be defended, but easy to be invaded as well. Well this has to be the best map I ever made. Weapons on map: 4 Maulers 3 Snipers 3 Spikers 3 Needlers 4 Battle Rifles 3 Brute Shots 2 Gravity Hammers 2 Machine gun turrets 2 Plasma Cannons 2 Plasma Rifles 2 SMGs 2 Carbines 1 Shotgun 1 Sword 1 Flamethrower (hidden) 1 Plasma Pistol 1 Rocket Launcher(hidden) WHEN I SAY HIDDEN I MEAN ITS NOT EASY TO GET TO/ IN THE OPEN DOWNLOAD VVVVVVVVV
Looks like a map that is supposed to be on the neater side. It is hard to walked across things that do not connect well. Like bridges should be flipped over and interlocked in the boxes so that it is smooth not rough. It makes gameplay bad.
By having a bridge facing upwards it is hard to walk across. Please take a look at some of the other maps that have been featured. Take a forge-through and you will see what I mean. Bridges are never facing upwards, double/single boxes are flipped upside down, and EVERYTHING is interlocked. I am not trying to discredit your map. It looks like it could be a lot of fun. I am just giving suggestions on how to make the gameplay better. Also next time you post a map try to post pictures of 'actual' gameplay. THEN we can see if the bridges should be like that or something. Having a blank picture with nothing going on causes me to revert back to what I know about forging, and that is all of the things I mentioned above.
BS, called it. You're just too lazy to make it neat. The map itself looks, more or less, like just about every other FH Foundry map with no ingenuity, just boxes and bridges. What's inherently special about it that makes it stand out?
unfortunately, Im going to have to agree with them. Calling the map Cluster seems like an easy way out of doing the things necessary to make a superb map. Practice it more, and it will become easier. looking forward to seeing your improvement in the future, and welcome to Forge Hub.