STEPPIN LIGHTLY Created by MagicGiblet Put your mind and jumping skills to the test. Reach all 8 destinations BY YOURSELF to win. To be played with STEPPIN LIGHLY VIP gametype (DL from fileshare). Game Description SINGLE PLAYER! Be sure to download BOTH STEPPIN LIGHTLY map variant AND STEPPIN LIGHTLY gametype. Steppin Lightly takes place in the skybubble of Sandbox. It is my first single player map variant/gametype that focuses on jumping skills and puzzle solving (heavily weighted on jumping skills). There are 8 destinations appearing in sequence that must be reached in order to conquer this map. Play this game entirely BY YOURSELF. Step lightly; if you fall, you will die. If you die, you will start at the beginning every time! Reach the end of this map, save it to a film, then post it here or recommend it to my Gamertag, MagicGiblet, so I can watch! (I, personally, have a video of me pseudo-speedrunning through it in 3:55.) This map can be VERY frustrating if you don't concentrate on every jump. If you are able to conquer this challenge, you enter the League of Elite Halo Jumping Monkeys (a group conceived by me 2 seconds ago)! Post, email, or PM me any comments you have. I would like feedback. Email: NOTE: I designed this map knowing that most of you would use forge to try to figure it out before attempting. Don't feel bad if you do that, it won't ruin the fun. NOTE #2: There is no clipping through walls via turrets/mongooses/etc... or any of that hoopla. I also don't like the 'choose the wrong teleporter and die' idea, so there is none of that. Each and every teleporter (except the standard teleporter that comes with Sandbox that cannot be removed) is useful and is needed to complete this map and gametype. Contributors: OldRedMonkey Zr0 Violator 187 I H e R o X I Newborn Amodeo Winners: (send a video to me and you'll be placed here in order of fastest time!) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ... ... ... There's no WAY I can jump that far! Leap of Faith There's a pallet; here's a nade... Looks easy enough. The end is in sight. One more thing: After enough time passes and enough collective frustration ensues, I'll consider posting a video of my runthrough ... somewhere... Another one more thing: Find yourself not knowing what to do? Exploration can work wonders. Download STEPPIN LIGHTLY Map Variant Download STEPPIN LIGHLY Gametype
This looks like a very well put together map. I always enjoy me some jumping AND some puzzles, so both in the same place must be a blast! Dled. (full review after I beat it...if I beat it)
Maybe you should make it so that there's no jumping course! Jumping courses don't belong in a puzzle!!! If you're going to make a puzzle DON'T INCLUDE A JUMPING COURSE!!!