Okay, I am unaware if anyone has caught this yet but; For taking overview pictures in sandbox, instead of inserting extra items to go to certain places so you can see the whole map, just do it in forge! Now I know what you all are thinking. "BuT N0vaflar3, n0 0nE lIeKz GrIdZ!" Another common response is, "Just go to custom games and then theater... Stupid..." WELL to see a TRUE picture of a map it is always handy to be able to see spawn points, especially in conquest maps... I don't see those in custom games! Well, all you have to do is overload the map, and the grid disappears! This is also handy if you were to want to geo-merge in the sky bubble. Now for those people who don't know how to overload (Please don't say you don't), just spawn 4 trip-mines and a second weapon. Then set the trip mines run time minimum to 4, and stand over them. Press X X Y reasonably fast until they blow up, and your maps overloaded! Thats all from me, see ya!
I'd have to say the easiest thing to do is start a custom game and then go to the theater to take pictures. No grid, no overloading, free roaming camera.
Using the Pan Cam glitch, you can take pictures from anywhere in OR OUT of the map. E.g. If your map covers the whole of the slate-floor, you won't see it from the top of forge, using Pan Cam, you can take it from wherever you like.
just go up ther in theater or pan cam glich this really isnt anything new or useful just a more complicated way of doing something simple
Do a normal custom and use theater mode. It will take more time to overload the map than to do that. Also, you say instead of adding extra items, what about adding the tip mines? BTW, I HATE seeing the teardrops and spawn points in pics.
I just want to disagree with you guys, but I think my point is valid. You people don't want to see spawn points, but hey thats sort of important. It allows for better feedback immediately because you can see the layout of them, and you can comment on that. If you were to get rid of the grid in a forge game and then go into theater you could take the pictures and show everyone your spawn points. I like to know about that, but thats just me.
the point about the spawn points is a good one, though i donot see what you meant about stacking objects for an overview. The showing of spawn points could bbe useful though. pity overloadiing sometimes deletes placed objects.
I really didn't think about the stacking objects because I forgot about theater. but yeah I think especially if it is a conquest map you really want to see spawn points so if you could get to see them without the grid that'd be really helpful in my mind. So overloading is helpful unless it gets rid of items. (frowny face)
Using Pan Cam, there's a way too break BOTH barriers. Not just the first. Thats how people know Sandtrap and Sandbox are floating and that it's just a flat cylinder with sand in it.