Hello all, this is another one of my newer screenshots. This screenshot has a sweet effect to it in my opinion. The spartan is a little deformed, or at least looks like it. Since it almost look like he has maulers for arms lol. No clue where the purple light at the bottom came from. I still think it looks awesome though. The only filter I have on in this screenshot is juicy. My Fileshare Any comments?
The shadow behind him or black figure behind him looks really cool, it seems to blend very well with the background. The maulers are at a cool angle and the lighting and effects make them stand out very well. Also the star in the background fits the screenshot very well. Nice job 8/10
Yeah, the blue, green, and gold colors around the outside of the blackness turned out perfectly. The only thing I have a problem with is the purple line at the bottom and how he is armless.
Ya I think your right. The purple line at the bottom really ruins the flow of the colors in the screenshot. Actually I think that this screenshot looks better with him armless, it looks like both hands are holding on to the mauler. What would have been really cool if you got the screenshot after he fired.
No. I mean like after he fired with the bullets in the air. I think it would have kind of blurred the purple or kind of fix the flow of this screenshot. Also I think that the bullets will add better lighting to the whole signature alltogether. Do you know what I mean? Like its a mauler, so it should get you really interesting effects.
Yea, I guess. I still have no clue where that purple came from rofl. I was using nothing remotely purple.
What I am thinking is some type of glare. This usually happens a lot with good lighting. What happens if you tilt the camera up a little bit? does it mess with the effects and ruin it, because if it doesn't you can easily get rid of the purple streak. Also can you tell me how you got that effect. I would really like to see someone pull this off with a magnum after its fired. It would be kind of cool to see the empty shells fall to the ground.
I will have to go see what I did. I know for a fact I had a regenerator and it looks like a power drain. It probably was a rocket fired with a few other little things going on.
was i the only one who noticed 2 maulers? i like how the shadow is around the spartan, and the light is around the shadow. 4.5/5
Maulerarms!! w00t! I dont think anyone can copy this screenshot. Good luck if you're stupid enough to try...
Yeah, Maulerarms. I had to change the name. That is like the worst thing I could've ever came up with lmao!
Well, other than the fact that he looks like an amputee, it's pretty cool. The purple line messes it up a bit at the bottom, but it's not that big of a deal. Nice job.
The contrast of this shot is phenomenal. The flash and the dark backround clash beautifully. The purple streak and the "Maulers for hands" are the only things bad about it. If those things (or at least the mauler hands) were gone, this would have HUGE bungie favs potential. 4.5/5
Like I said, I have no clue how he lost his arms and how that purple streak got there. I was under part of the map of avalanche and only spawned certain weapons. Thanks for the comments!
Yeah, it gives the spartan an entirely different look which I guess in a way is not a bad thing. I just don't think it works that well in this picture.