not sure where this goes... but ill put it here because its an MLG map I'm working on... its in the sky bubble... im decent at forging, i can make balanced maps... somewhat smooth... but just can't (even though im really patient) make everything as smooth as most maps out there... it would be really cool if someone could join up with me to make a "forging team" i make pretty good ideas, just cant make them the way they need to be to be played well... if anyones intrested, please message me... thanks and sorry if this isn't in the right spot...
dont bash man... i understand that 99% of MLGers are complete douches, but dont stereotype... anyway... anyone wanna help?
I don't get what's so MLG about MLG maps and gametypes. They're all too cocky anyways. At least most of them. Some of them are cool.
Above posts are completely irrelevent. I would infract, but I'm on my iPod at the moment...consider yourselves lucky. @OP: Try the Forgemates thread, if that's still going can find it in Forge Discussion.
........ stuff like that is really annoying "THERES NO CAMO ALOWWED IN MLG" "WHY IS THERE ROCKETS, THERES NO ROCKETS IN MLG" etc. dirkadirka this wasn't made by MLG, it was made by people...
Ok, do not steryotype like was said above, I like MLG and I am not a douch,lol. I think it is pretty kool, but you are wrong. The pros are douches, they will never answer your messages, or your invites and one time I sent a message to ghostamye, and he cussed me out. But some of them are kool like Annt, I play with him sometimes
@Star iz Legiit - it's spelled douche not douch Overall though in response to the original poster getting things smooth takes a lot of time, and a lot of patience unfortunately. I find I have no problem spending the time to do that, it's coming up with good, innovative ideas that I have a pain with. Best of luck finding a fellow forger, and I think this would have been more relevant in Forge discussion, located here. I'd move it for you but don't have those powers lol.