Sandbox Gilese 581d ( an infection map)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by pred10122, Apr 22, 2009.

  1. pred10122

    pred10122 Ancient
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    Gilese 581d
    Story: 20.3 light years away from earth lays a red dwarf star named Gliese 581. Orbiting Gilese 581 is Gliese 581d. Because of its mass, the planet is classified as a super-Earth planet. In late April 2009 new observations by the original discovery team concluded that the planet is within the habitable zone where liquid water could exist.

    In June 2014 scientists took pictures of the planet and discovered that it was 100% habitable! And although they saw no signs of life on the surface they were determined to see if there was something else out there.

    On November 23 2312 a team of 1583 people sent out for the planet. Arriving on March 2333 they finally arrived at the orbit of Gilese 581d.

    The first day of arriving on the planet they landed on a desert. They noticed some strange structures and realized that life had existed here after all! So they set up research sites in the sandy wasteland and started digging.

    But on April 12th, 2333 they hit not rock but organic material. They were frightened but also overjoyed that they had found life. and at 8:49 pm. One of the scientist became infected. He became engulfed with rage and started becoming transparent! He became extremely fast. It wasn’t long before that one scientist way down in a hole had killed a fourth of the scientists! It’s a good thing you brought guns!
    Your team and three others have called in evac and it will arrive shortly. The problem is that it is already dark and the other three teams are spread across the desert! There are even some loners lost in the sand! You must join up with your other teams if you want to live. Otherwise you won’t stand a chance.
    The Game:

    This is the first map in my Gliese 581 map pack. You start off in one of the three bases or in the desert alone. If you spawn in a base 1-2 others will be with you.

    Each base has one flare that has an instant respawn time. There are also land mines with 20 sec respawn times, deployable shields with 20 sec respawn times, frag and firebomb grenades scatered across the map and in bases, and four BRs that only spawn ONCE.

    Each "loner" spawns behind a kind of mini base/ ruins type of thing. Because they are alone, in each of these mini bases there is a BR. It would be a good idea to grap the BR and eaither wait for a team to get you or run as fast as you can to the nearest base.

    here are two of the mini bases.


    The Infected:

    The infected spawn in the center of the map or around the edges. this system prevents spawn camping the zombies. There is a hole in the center of the map where the infection started. dont jump or you die. Zombies have poor camo, 300% speed, 50% gravity, and an energy sword. They are killed with one bullet.

    an overview of the center (most made by Pure Gab99)

    The hole:

    The Humans:
    The humans have four bases that they start out in. ( and the mini bases explained above) there is also a cabin at one side of the desert that is a good holdout point and is probably where you should go if you get your teams together. Humans start out with an AR with infinint amo(last man has limited). They die in one hit and kill with one hit. There are no vehicles in this map so no one can drive.

    Human Bases:
    Blue Base One

    Red Base One:

    Red Base Two:

    Broken Light Base:

    Here is The Cabin:

    the inside:


    There is also debre all over the sand. This gives the zombies cover and ambush points.

    I tried to make this as desert like as possible and the randomly thrown objects was intended. the same goes for the bases and cabin.
    Last man: unchanged except he has limited amo.

    Humans: 100% speed and gravity. instant kill. no grenades at start. unlimited amo. starting weapons AR and magnum. weapon pickup allowed.

    Infected: 300% speed 50% gravity. instant kill. infinant amo. no weapon pickup. starting weapon Sword.

    Respawn:3 sec.
    Friendly fire disabled
    No alpha zombie
    item limit reached

    BTW Gilese 581d is a real planet and what i said was true up until april 2009.
    You can eaither download the map with juicy, gloomy, or both. if your tv is REALLLY dark you can use juicy but my favorit is gloomy.

    Download Juicy: : Halo 3 File Details

    Download Gloomy: : Halo 3 File Details

    Download combo: : Halo 3 File Details

    Download Game type Outbreak: : Halo 3 File Details

    PLEASEEEE comment i would love your feedback.

  2. pred10122

    pred10122 Ancient
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    also you cant capture the feeling of running to your team with your two team mates behind you yelling out at the infected. please try my map with a ful lobby before you criticise the gameplay AND PLEASE INVITE ME!!!!
    i cant ever get a full lobby. thank you
    More pics.
    the mines will eventually blow up so watch out.

    #2 pred10122, Apr 22, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  3. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    lol nice map dont like how ou have to start on the out side though kinda dumb, dont you get hit by lasers though? any way, love the multible bunker ideas.

    ps: love your siggy: I ****ING LOVE COLORING!!!!!!

  4. pred10122

    pred10122 Ancient
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    lol thanks and forgot to mention that all of the towers are blocked so they cant shoot you. and the side is darker so i thought it would be a funer place.
  5. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    good idea i though that they shot though those but could you get a picture of that so that way i could use it in my architecture forum? please and thank you
  6. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    a few suggestions

    infinite ammo+auto weapons+instant kill=death on FH. Everyone will say "you really cant balance humans having unlimited ammo/instant kill with superfast zombies" it just ain't work.. my suggestion would be to spread out various weapons in places that are easy to attack for the zombies, but very beneficial to the humans. Make the zombies have 150% health but no shields, and give humans limited ammo, pistols, and SMGs. MAke them have to scout out for better weapons. Make the zombies have poor camo and forced color brown or black, but only 200% speed or less. WIth humans having to go out in groups or alone just to stay alive really adds strategy to the game, as apposed to fat kid, where you can go out on your own and get 50 kills. Just keep testing different damage resistances for the zombies to make it fair, perhaps shields with 50% resistance?

    Happy forging
  7. pred10122

    pred10122 Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback. 1 i will make a v2 soon take off the infinant amo and place weapons around the map. i already was trying to get the scouting feel when i placed BRs grenades and equipment around the map but i will try to add more. see the thing is that the AR doesnt shoot long range, and sandbox is HUGE so i thought that would work, but i believe a smg would work better and place ARs on the map. i feel i will need the speed because otherwise it takes too long to get acros the map.and the gravity is to equalize with the speed factor. i might take off insta kill though. thanks.
  8. pred10122

    pred10122 Ancient
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    btw search forgeout and you will find your blocked towers. and no one stays inside the starting bases. they alwayse join up with another squad. this gives the infected a chance to ambush them. the go out and join your team thing is what makes this game. if your alone your screwed but if you stay with your two other people, and run to the other squads (very fun with lots of people) the odds become greater and greater for your survival. running to another squad wont take afew seconds, it will take over 60 seconds this is a big opening for infected. THAT is the main theme of this game.
    #8 pred10122, Apr 22, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009

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