Dawn of the Dead Dawn of the Dead (Recommended players: 4-12) Created by Morilec and Hpbuttons This infection map on Sandbox is based off the popular Dawn of the Dead movies. This map contains a solid compound on top, and a parking garage underground, both connected by a ventilation shaft. This ventilation shaft is only accessible after 90 seconds of survival. Once in the parking garage, humans may head to the upper level, where an abandoned base camp remains. If one can survive 3 out of this 4 minute round, a tele-port will open on the upper parking garage floor, allowing access to a helipad in the sky. This helipad contains a three-passenger hornet, ready to lift those lucky few survivors to safety. List of weapons used on map: (Compound) Battle Rifle x 2 Sniper x 2 Smg x 4 Shotgun x 1 Missile Pod x 1 Firebomb Grenade x 1 (Parking Garage: Floor 2) Spartan laser x 1 Rocket launcher x 1 Brute shot x 1 Mauler x 2 Land mine x 1 (TIP: Ammo is limited, conserve as much as possible) Screenshots: Front view of compound - Overview of compound- Action shot from inside compound - Inside compound different angle - Parking garage level one - Parking garage level one different angle - Parking garage level two with helipad teleport insight - Helipad with three-passenger hornet - Map Information: The infected spawn in dark tubes, after 10 seconds a gravity lift spawns, making it possible for them to jump out. (Some may find this difficult, but after a round of playtime, you will find the jump simple.) The game variant's initial zombie count of 50% may be adjusted at the party leaders will, to a better more comfortable setting depending on the party size. Map and Game Variant (Required): Dawn of the Dead Map DOTD Game Variant Please post any comments or questions you may have about the map. - Morilec and Hpbuttons
300 something views and no replies... considering this was our first map that we decided to post, some feedback would be nice
How are we supposed to build off our map if 444 people have viewed it, and only three replies. One of which was just saying the thread was moved, and the other being from my partner who helped make it. So really one reply out of 440 views, we're going for a new record.
downloaded and it was really fun. played with 4 people and had a blast. the giant tube was pretty boss
Yeah its fun being played with a small group of friends, tube took a while to make as well, but in the end we think it was worth it.
I'll be honest man, I played this with a small group of friends, and couldn't quite figure it out. A few things I would adjust... Humans: -- It was too hard for the humans to get into the tube; you had to jump just right. Even once the block appeared (by which time the place should be crawling with the undead) it was very difficult to get to. -- By the time the humans can get to the hornet, the gametype runs out of time, so it's kind of pointless to have... at least that's what we found. If we missed something let me know... -- The inside of the base is pretty spartan (no pun intended). There's hardly any cover or defense from the oncoming zombies, short of the aforementioned difficult jump into the shaft. Even then, your best hope is jumping in a worthog turret, or simply camping the only entrance into the room. Zombies: -- I can't even see where I spawn. After the 4th or 5th time spawing, I got used to how to get out of there, but that learning curve is a little steep for first time players on your map. -- Worthogs in front of the doors have a tendancy to blow up if a couple of zombies attack it at once in a zealous attempt to get in. Result? Instant dead zombie without any human intervention. -- Only two possible entrances we were able to find for the zombies totally takes away just about any strategic attack. While there is hardly any cover for the humans in the base, they can sit there with the BR and pick off the flow of zombies all day. Overall, it's a good looking map, and I can tell you put a lot of time into it, but I think there needs to be a little more work to balance it out. Just because it's a casual map doesn't mean there's no need for better balance. The best infection maps are the ones where there's no given better side. The zombies should have just as much chance as the humans.
I think the map is understandable due to looking at the detail you added using the Fx effect.But the hornet part made no sense because it is too open...overall the map is really nice.
Don't say "if" man. Rome wasn't built in a day. Not to mention, my opinion about your map may not be the same as others. I posted what I posted not to discourage you in any way, but to help a fellow forger with a few things I personally saw. I look forward to seeing more work from you, even maybe a revised version of this map, because I do feel like it has potential, just a little rough around the edges... (C:
Hey Josh thank you for the feedback, Ill try to lay out and explain anything you may of had problems with. Maybe it can clear some things up. Humans: - Humans and the vent, we realize you can't jump freely in to it, but it is easily do-able. In fact we realized while playing the game with friends, it just makes it all the more suspenseful trying to jump in there knowing the infected are on your ass. - Humans and the hornet; Hornet is meant as a complete get away vehicle. You're able to get to the Hornet at 3 minutes. Seeing that it's a 4 minute round, you have about 45 seconds give or take left of survival for anyone who happened to not make it to the Hornet. Which we believed to be extremely hard. So goal is make it to the hornet to watch those "unlucky few" try to fend off the 45 more seconds. - We realize there is not much cover in the main compound, but we did this on purpose. We found that providing cover in fact helps the infected too much, giving them a great advantage. With the cover provided as of now, the only way a zombie may kill a human, is by strategically planning when to swarm them as a group. Zombies: - I believe the zombie spawn in the pipes is a legit problem, we realized it would be difficult for the 1st or 2nd jump. After spending hours on making the map, we knew the jumps like the back of our hand and assumed others wouldn't have trouble. Our bad. - As for the warthogs, we've never had one blow up and kill a zombie like said. Although, we will look into that. - The two front entrances were purposely made to be the only attacking point for the infected. We feel that any more would give too much of an advantage for the zombies. As for picking them off in a corner with the BR, yes that in turn is strategy for the humans, but you have to remember; Ammo is limited, and if the infected decide to group up in a mob of 3 or 4 and swarm, a BR might not handle it. I hope this answered any questions, we realize this game is more of a "survival" for humans from endless zombies type game. No real choices for the infected other than to run back and try to kill again. In the end we feel that although we've tried greatly to balance it, the zombies still have an advantage. I hope you guys have fun on the map, and we will be making a new one sometime soon. Thanks, Morilec
Just finished our new map check it out. Can you make it to the top? http://www.forgehub.com/forum/mini-game-maps/67298-donkey-kong-v1-1-a.html
The map looks fun and these kinds of maps are addicting for me and my friends, so I will give it a download. But as for the tube thing to the parking garage, couldn't humans just pick off the zombies as they fell in?
In our updated version we put a shield door there, but when the zombies are falling down the chute if they hold crouch they can fly out through the hole and potentially get behind the humans camping their.