I'm looking for players who are interested in making a run for 50 (General) in the Team Slayer playlist. Right now, I believe I'm a 45, with a max ever achieved of 46. I'm usually a supportive player, often scoring the most assists on the team. I like to communicate and "call out" enemy locations, and I like it when other players do the same. Also, I'm smart enough to know that if a particular strategy isn't working, try something else. Although I take games seriously, I don't throw a fit when I lose. Losing is part of the game. And I never quit. You don't get any better if you quit at the first sign of opposition. I'm looking for similarly skilled players with a similar attitude to try to rank up to 50. If you think your play-style will complement mine, post your schedule and we'll see if we can get a team of 4 together. I can play weeknights after 7:30 pm eastern time, except Tuesdays.
im a 43 only because i always play with newbs and they get like 5 kills and i can get like 15. so if i played with good people, i could easily help u furious d. also, look for my map im posting today.
Furious hit me up. You know mah levels. But I suck, so i'll just call out and get assists and kill steal. Right now i'm only a 43 in Slayer.
I'm a 37 i think. Haven't played ranked in quite a long time, but I've always been searching for someone who wants to develop a TEAM style relationship.
Meh Furious I'm a like 3oish...stopped playing team becuase I was tired of the nubs =] So if you have a spot I'm in but don't make it a priority I'll get general on my own in lone wolfs eventually (40)
Hey hit me up Furious, Ive gotten 44 in Team Slayer long time ago and was too lazy to push it to a 50...
Ok, thanks for posting guys. I'm gonna try to work with Vinny, Insane, and Mike. The reasons being that I've already played with those guys and I know they are good. Also, if I played with anyone lower than a 40, it would probably say we had a mixed party, and it always takes longer to find games that way. So how about it guys? I say we join up for a minimum of 3 games to see how well the team meshes. This weekend is bad for me because of Easter and all. So some time next week?
Sorry. I never go on matchmaking unless it's for a party. Even then, I usually leave. MM irritates me.
Thats fine Furious, and I hope you don't mind me posting this here but would any of there people who didn't get picked like to make a run with me? if so then send me a PM
I am a 47 in Team Slayer currently and I could use a team to get me there. Since I already have my 50 in Team Doubles. I don't think we are currently friends on XBL yet. Ix Cr0ok3d xI
48 in Team Slayer now. Guess I'm getting 50 without you guys. Cya. Crooked you didn't except my friend request when we played against each other.
I don't think you knew you were playing me because in post-game I tried talking to you and you didn't respond. What, Perfectdark?