Duck Hunt! Created by BLOOD IXI MONEY Supported Gametypes: Zapper-the infection gametype for Duck Hunt! You MUST have the gametype to play the game! Map Description There are two large shooters in the sky bubble taht launch zombies across the bubble. There are two gauss warthogs that you use to shoot the birds with. There are 14 zombies total that can fly through the air. There are 2 shooters. Your main objective is to shoot as many zombies as you can before the time runs out. These shoot the zombies through the sky bubble. These are the warthogs were the humans spawn. They are fassined down with cornerstones. Boom! Action shot! Download! Comment and rate! Thanks! ALSO! Id like to thank WetBeaver for making the original Duck Hunt. I liked it so much i remade it. I looked to his game to get the mechanics and design! -just tweaked it a little. Download Duck Hunt! Download Zapper! ORIGINAL DUCK HUNT THREAD BY WETBEAVER:
on the second to last picture you should interlock those platforms or at least straighten them. Can you give more pictures of the launchers? they look big.. {inaccurate}
So what do you tell your 14 friends when they ask you howcome they can't score when they play as the infected? Better yet, how do you get 14 people to play when all they are are sitting (or flying, rather) ducks? Might sound like good fun for the shooters, but wow, I would hate to be a zombie.
Winner of Spring 08 Best Minigame and Bungie Favorites Enough said, this is pretty much the EXACT same, except less aesthetic.
Actually i like your launchers alot better. You just need to add more, and touch it up a little bit to make it equal for both the guass's and the zombies flying through the air.
Making a map on sandbox has already been done, Interlocking has already been done, Forge has already been done, but does this stop people? No, they look for ways to make the game more interesting and fun.
Map looks interesting. I'll give it a download and try it out. I do like the fact that humans use gauss cannons instead of snipers or something.
I guess youd call it wa remake. but i made it to where 14 zombies can be launched at the same time instead of six by make the zombie spawn longer and adding more spawn points and locked down the warthogs. jsut little touch ups aesthetics arent as important to me, i just want to have fun.
I saw this when i played the original duck hunt. You get a sniper 14 ducks are bound to hit a shooter eventually.
Im see what you mean with the second pic, i could straighten those sooner or later. And sure ill have more pics up soon.
Beaver made the greatest mini game in H3. And it has just been remade! Great idea for a remake, I forgot about this and have already queued this one! If you have played it before, both sides are fair, it just takes practice.
You should make it were the zombies are able to win, other than waiting time. Maybe killing the shooters?
4 quick things; 1. Awsome map 2. Kersnap 3. if you want to give the zombies a chance give them snipers and cover if they make to past the hunters, and then they can take the hunters out? 4. Do the custom power-ups give any extra bonus to the zombies/ducks or are they just there for looks? again awsome map and great job!!