Heaven vs Hell:created by Jelly I3elly and Frogger CS This map is made for assault gametypes in which there is a Heaven base which is in the Sky bubble, and Hell base which is located in the Crypt. Base player traits: Normal shields and movement, Gravity hammer, and Energy Sword, normal damage, and no forced color. Bomb Carrier traits: the same but with 2x overshields Heres the hell base [/URL] The Heaven base [/URL] The Devils throne...which is where hells team picks up the ball and heaven plants it [/URL] Gods throne...which is the same situation as the devils [/URL] The teleporter to heaven [/URL] Teleporter to Hell [/URL] A few transport hornets for heaven [/URL] And choppers for hell [/URL] and a few action screenies [/URL] [/URL] Bomb Detonated! [/URL] Heres the link to the map: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details And heres the gametype: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details p.s. just to go anong with the whole heaven and hell theme i would make teams red and white which is what we planned but we couldnt make 2 forced colors.......thanx
wow good map but the vehicles are cinda stupid, they dont give much use other then defencive stratagy
its a pretty cool and original theme but the map is a little sloppy also the teleporter to and from heaven is backwards facing away from the castle you should fix that also instead of hornets it should be banshees
Dude that's pretty immature and uncalled for. If you can't deal with constructive criticism then how to you plan to improve? Everyone could use a little improvement, that's what feedback is for. You can't expect it to all be good just because you're happy with your map. Grow up. And by the way, I actually like the idea of this map. It's a good concept, I'll try it out and see how it plays. One thing I don't see is an outside battleground for the Heaven area, defensive gates or something of that nature would be cool.
i like the idea. using both the crypt and the sky bubble. i think that maybe you should put some more 2ways, but on different channels so, for an exmple you dont go into the "hell" 2way and end up back in the same area. sorry if that seems confusing. but i do like the map. i just dont find it that handy haveing vehicles. but other than that, good job.
That's completely uncalled for and imature, grow up. I don't understand why you would be angry, it's not even your map, or at least it doesn't look it. The map looks pretty good, and the concept, is also a new one. One thing you should fix it up like everyone else said, and remove the vehicle for the heaven base. They are really pointless and basic overkill. If someone steps out of a teleporter, someone could just be sitting in a hornet and kill anyone coming out of the teleporter. Also try making a small maze, to get into heaven and hell, so it's not llike they can just walk in. Also, if budget allows, and you haven;t reached the OLN, then you could incorporate the middle ground and make it a battlefield, between heaven and hell. Make it a bit more difficult for them to get the bomb, instead of walking into each teams base using teleporters.
thanks guys for the reply... im gonna try and make a few additions and take a few things away from the map.....i dont care if they are negative because that will help me when i make a new map