Just thought I'd put this up in aid of Earth Day Maybe it will dispace the vast amounts of spray glue I have used over the past two days in my Photography exam. ^^ Bungie link Comments?
For Earth Day, I'm going too get a character in Halo 3 too use a flamethrower with infinite ammunition, while convincing a couple of people too put their lighters in the air.
I dunno how you managed to make the foliage on the tree branches stand out like you did, but this picture is actually really good.
Wow, that tree is absolutely beautiful. The lighting makes the whole map look so much bigger. I never knew that that side of guardian was built of a giant tree lol. Nice screenshot man, this is a really nice screenshot.
My Earth Day picture involves a bunch of random crap thrown around in Avalanche, and everything on fire. It also features dead bodies and lots of them.