Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 4!!!) They need to make premade buildings you should be able to place... In this one, they should make premade circular dwelings for grunts.
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 4!!!) And add a new command so you can go up and stroke a grunt.
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 4!!!) You know what would be great? If they made for new maps like premade destroyed Warthogs with Marine bodies in it and Ect. for like a Prowler. But still, they need premade buildings and even better yet, premade destroyed Buildings. Small ones of course, but premade buildings all the same would be great MAP EDITORS FTW!
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 4!!!) there is a overview of the new sidewinder in this week's update
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 4!!!) looks nice but the sidewinder sorta remake better not disgrace it
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 4!!!) i think if they let you place premade buildings all the maps would be the same however many buildings they give rearanged in different places which wouldn't be very good besides if you have to make your own buildings it really gives you the power to decide how the map is going to play
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 4!!!) well they said that avalanche should be fun for sandbox.. hopefully that also means for forging alone too.(i have no friends!!) lol. and i think ghost town looks like its gonna be a little hard to find everyone. looks like it could be more or a five v five map to me
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 4!!!) *sigh* lots of works coming up now.. Well for my idea for a game map editor was where you could place buildings, trucks, tanks, sandbags and all the stuff that map editors include. But my idea for it to make it original is that there is an explosion tool. This would make most maps different than the others. What the explosion tool in the map editors makes buildings, Roads, hills look like they got shelled. What you would do is open the map editor, place a building then set the explosion where you want it on the building and see what happens. Some huge sections of the wall could be blow off and make a pile for a good cover spot. All the explosions would be physicaly right and where the charges are set on the building determines what kind of sections of the building is destroyed. It would also work the same with roads and hills and barriers. Has anybody been listening and reading the whole thing? If you did, then you would understand the difference that a few craters and broken walls could do to change the tide of the battle. One crater by a barrier could render it useless or highly effective depending on where the explosive tool made a crater at. Like I said "Map Editors FTW!"
is there just the one laser on avalanche cause i love the laser and i like sandtrap because each team gets their own one. and how will lockout win at life?
Boo they took out the needler on Blackout. BOOO at you bungie :squirrel_rant:... I will still play it tho. people complaing about a remake y'all need to quit there will be more original maps to come Hopefully.
New update guys, they've shown the forge items in a recent new article. Just thought I'd mention it since I don't see anything in the main post.
hey if you look on xbox dashboard there is a interview he says you can combine those different camera colors to make unique ones