If you have not seen this mini-game before and would like to see a detailed description of it then visit the original thread Here. Due to some requests I decided to make a V2 of my Galaga mini-game. The game is mostly the same with some small changes that I hope make the game more enjoyable. Change #1- Added scenery I decided to add some scenery because it seemed that the map was sort of bland at the beginning of the game before all of the pillars started to spawn. I tried to make the scenery galaga-like. Here's an overview of the upgraded map. Change #2- Four player compatibility I made a couple more starting points and spawned the proper amount of weapons so that playing with four players at once is now possible. Change #3- Slightly decreased difficulty The game is still very hard, but I decided that towards the end of each round things got out of hand so I decided to block of the 10 second fusion coils (in the middle) after 120 seconds. With two less coils to worry about I think it is now possible to actually make it to the end of the round. The Coils are blocked by the pillars seen in this pic. Change #4- Leaderboard Since the game isn't literaly competetive I decided to add a leader board on this forum. It is located in the second post on this thread. See if you can get the top score! To get on the leaderboard you must post a pic of your final score (just like I did above) I will then put in the correct position on the leaderboard. Download Galaga V2 Download NES Gametype
Leaderboard (Scores from V1 and V2 are allowed) 1 Player: 1. BHS12Price---395 2. T3h Goose King---360 3. HydroZoid---323 4.STWOW---147 5. 2 Player: 1. HydroZoid/SmolderedTNT---342 2. 3. 4. 5. Playing with 3 or 4 people is just for fun so I don't think they need a leaderboard. If you guys disagree I will put it back in.
Nice dude I downloaded your first map which was wicked hard hopefully I'll have a better chance on this new easier one haha.
Thank you for listening to the ideas in the first thread. Everyone had great ideas and now that its four player it should be even more fun. Nothing more to complain about very cool, original idea. I give a 5/5
Cool, I could never get past those last 30 seconds around 130. I almost did but only got 137. Thank you for adding 4 respawn points. I have 3 other friends that love this game and now we can try to get to the top of the leaderboards.
Sweet now I am pumped, leaderboard just like we asked! Question though, will you allow scores from version 1?
Alright, I love this game. But some suggestions: Make for a bonus round map that you can download, that instead of giving people BRs it gives them ARs and takes off the time limit. And another thing for this map, when I was playing with 4 people, it would respawn one of us up in the middle tier. And, my friend's an idiot, so he would always destroy the coils that are in your base. Could you fix that by moving them under where we spawn?
holy crap i was like dying to play this game during school today XDDD and i was right, this iss definetly a game worth waiting for. my friend insisted on beating rocko's jump puzzle but i had to play this instead >.<! my final high score was 323, i took a pic but it wont be on bungie until tomorrow when i get back online. ill show it then- u can add me to the leaderboards or not its k.... its really the pistol section that screws me over... if i make it past that part i generally make it to 100 a round.... p.s. maybe ill beat 323 =o who knows.... maybe ill beat 360!
Oooh, this is quite a fun mini-game you made there. Though not quite the same as Galaga, it still gives it a similar feel. It wasn't until I got a pretty good record until I flew out of the spawn area and noticed how intricately you planned out the coils. After playing a few times alone, I tried it with friends and it seemed to work well, except that my one friend would kill himself on the fusion coils in the base, and we wouldn't get killed by the coils that flew at us. I don't know a way to fix this other than turn friendly fire on so it would kill all of us when he does it, but people may end up killing each other on accident, so I'm not sure what can be done. I've found patterns in the attacks, but it is never the same once you hit 100 seconds it seems tough. This isn't bad at all, so I can still follow one way to get to 100 seconds, and then I have to be quick to get farther. The only bug is that when you miss the very first fusion coil on the left-center, it'll blow up on its own. This again has no real difference in gameplay so I don't care, but you may want to fix it if you make another version. I wondering if I should put my current record of 395 on Youtube, but I'm pretty sure I can break 400 if I do good all 3 rounds. After all this is only from one day of trying, so expect a new score later. 5/5 for creativity and making the great aesthetics. A great thing to ply when I only have a few minutes on Halo, or I have no friends on. Here's my screenshot for the leader board if you need one, because I guess bungie.net doesn't record one player custom games (my first time embedding a screenshot, so tell me if I do something wrong).
You should definately put your best up on youtube (whether it's this game or a newer one with a better score). Have you ever completed a full round? If you have put it on youtube and I'll submit it for news on Bungie.net to get some publicity for the game and show off your skills that surpass mine by a lot. lol
If I ever get through a full round, and don't suck on the other 2, I'll get it on Youtube, but I've yet to finish one, I'll keep trying though.
Cool dude. do that. I beat it a couple times a while ago, but i don't have the videos anymore so I'm also gonna try to beat it again.
holy snap 395 =.=!!!!!!! and yea there is a pattern to it once u learn it it gets easier but its still difficult =x 2 things really,one, i tried 4-player and i spawned in the meddle level and couldnt kill myself nor make it into the crypt due to your ingenious set-up of fusion coil tumbles blocking my way..... fix that? second are a few tips for those not quite as amazing as Mr.395 (-.-) here... -even from the beginning of the game, find a pattern. no i dont mean like learn the fusion coil spawns, do that too. but the time from the coil spawn to the time u blow it up is a few seconds, therefore u can offset the spawns by a few seconds as the round progresses. ex. being if u always blow up the left land attackers before the right, then you will have more time to get to the right side, as they wont spawn at EXACTLY the same time. but if your at like 120seconds and both sides spawn, if you deviate from your pattern and shoot the right side first, the left side will already be in ur face(aka kablooie) im pretty bad at my explanations so if anyone gets this please explain it in perhaps a more....person-understandable fashion? oh btw i have my pics- my friend and i also played 2-player and got 342(pwned,kinda) it was so fun, i felt like we were playing MLG with all the close encounters(of the 3rd kind) my solo(3rd place w00tz) my 2-player action(first? place yay?) EDIT: i see A Hobo saw the spawn error as well...... *nudge nudge* sounds like a v3?
Wow when I saw the V1 I thought it would be really easy and not worth my time, apparently not after reading this thread, anyway I'm definitely going to DL now. Also, getting this on Bungie.net would be beast =]
fusion coils roll down/fly to your face and u have one simple goal-dont die o.o how many different ways can something be hurled accross the map without exploding? oh and also 377 on 2-player, ill post a pic tomorrow. my eyes are angry cuz they need their sleep. =x