BUT DURRRR, WHAT IF MY PURPLE IS YOUR ORANGE? On a serious note, isn't it technically possible for a species to develop that can detect (see) electromagnetic radiation wavelengths currently invisible to humans? Such as infrared, ultraviolet, radio waves, etc. Either they have a broader range, or just a slightly altered (moved over) on the spectrum.
Is this topic actually in the debate section? The best proof I can give, is the fact that we need to be able to see what others see so we can adapt, and react with each other. If it wasn't, then we wouldn't understand each other. Some more good proof is that some colors work better together than others. So if my purple is Nemi's orange, and my black is Nemi's pink, and if I included those colors together, I would think that my signature's colors are very well put together, and Nemi would say it looked like barf from a hippy.
Ink blots pictures, not everyone see the same shape type thing. That is because of our unique perception of what are eyes take in. The ink blots are the same but, people say they see different things. Our eyes take in the same image but, our brains, which work differently and unique to ourselves, perceive them differently. This is red but, what you see as red could look like this to me This is blue but, what you see as blue could look like this to me what I see is the same everytime I see blue or red, but, it may not be the same thing as you see, because our brains perceive them differently
Except that it wouldn't look like "barf from a hippy" any more so than it does to you. You see "barf from a hippy" would look like a different set of colours to that person. Whether "barf" looks purple, pink, green, or red is irrelivent because you've associated that colour with barf. So even with us all seeing different colours your signature would still not contain "hippy barf" colours. Confused yet? XD
If barf is green, and disgusting, I associate this with it but, if someone else perceived green to look like this or a color that people like, wouldn't that mean some people would like the color of barf, but people don't
No, because if someone else perceived this to look like this then they would associate this with barf and they wouldn't like the colour, and they would associate this with the colours of pretty flowers and such. We like certain colours because of what we associate with them. Blue is a "boy" colour because it's what people use and pink is a "girl" colour. But if pink looked like Blue to me, and vice versa, then I would associate this as a "boy" colour and I would treat it as such, but you would see it as this. So, you see, even though we would see them as two completely different colours we would still associate them as being the same.
Eh I agree but, my point before was actually disproving what I have been saying this whole time, so thanks lol
ugh Some of you people arnt getting it. Theres no way to say one person sees the same thing as the other. If your taught your whole life whats what, then thats what youll believe... And to the hippy barf thing, You would be taught that was normal and an everyday color compilation. Honestly theres no way to say there is or there isnt a change. This thread was about your opinion and not fact. Having fun in forgehub -King
I don't have a clue what everyone else is talking about, well I do but I don't have much to say about what they are. But for some reason every now and again I ask myself this same question.
I have actually though very deeply about this before. What if the colors of everyone are all different. What if other people see each other with green skin. I don't think we all see each other differently though, I think we all see each other the same. The color wheel I believe is the same for everyone.
White Blue Green We can all agree that those colors are red, green, and magenta. No matter how we look at it, what colors are different for us, those are still the same colors.
Like I said, either way, we can determine this is red. And if not, its probably due to some disorder.
Yes that is red, but that is pretty obvious and not even the point of this debate. The point is what you see as red, I may, in my eyes, compared to yours, actually be seeing this
You don't get it do you? You even said it yourself: "Yes, I see it as red" The fact is that you're not seeing it as blue, unless you have a disease/disorder. There's really nothing more to it. Go look in the G&A forum. Everyone sees the same colors on a signature.
No you don't get it lol, I'll say as I said before, An Apple is red there is no arguing that. So what an Apple LOOKS LIKE TO YOU is what YOUR red is. I might see an Apple differently therefore MY RED is different in my head than YOURS.
Funny, I was actually planning on posting this debate topic just the other day. While it's hard to perceive and probably pretty unlikely, I'm sure it's entirely plausible that we could see different colors of the spectrum and identify them all as the same color.
OH MY GOSH!!!! I THOUGHT OF THE SAME THING!!!! Anyway, it is completely possible to have two versions to see colors. Like rabid zergling or whatever said, they are correct compared to each other. So, I could see one way , and someone could see the inverted colors of that, but there's no other way because of that statement, which is proven that rabid whatever pointed out.