Well ForgeHub is keeping me from having signatures in my posts, but that doesn't mean I won't make anymore signatures. For the people with bad eyesight.
Anime is a new style? Not bad except its anime and the text is impossible to read and its oversharpened and aliased in places.
Sojustbecauseit'sanimeitdoesn'tgetratedgoodandandandandand? Get a new monitor, then we can speak, because the text is completely clear on my screen.
No it's not... it's even harder to read than the text in my sig... It's just because you created it. Anyway, I like the colors. But anime isn't my style.
Looks good but a bit too dark. The 'or not to' is almost unreadable, however it is not aliased on my screen and looks fine.
You guys obviously missed the point of new STYLE. First, the style is not crazy, and it's not still either. Almost all my signatures up to this point have either been stock type, or C4D. This consists of neither. THAT'S why I said it was a new style.