Sandbox Pathways

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by DEATHPIMP72, Apr 22, 2009.


    DEATHPIMP72 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Pathways II

    New map I made in Skybox that will play Team Slayer, CTF, and Assault. Many of levels of gameplay to be had as there is three levels of elevation on the map.







    Red Overview


    Ramp to Red


    Tube bottom


    Hope you enjoy.

    I left the other pictures up so you could view the changes made, thanks.

    Changes made:

    Interlocked wood bridges in back of red base for smoother walking.
    Added tube exit from blue base to add more are to that side of map.
    Added wood bridge up to snipe in back of blue base.
    Moved overshield and active camo to even playing field.


    New Overview


    New Red


    New Blue


    Blue Tube


    Action 1


    Action 2


    Action 3


    Download PATHWAYS II Here
    #1 DEATHPIMP72, Apr 22, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2009

    DEATHPIMP72 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry about the image problems, it seems to be fixed now.
  3. Mini Waz

    Mini Waz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice map, i like it a lot more than Punishment. It looks large enough without any lack of cover.

    The only recommendations i would make is to put some bumpers around the edge of the map and to swap out some of the double walls with the large pieces of wood. That way the surface will not be uneven to walk on.

    Nice map, i like it! I'm going to download it and check it out some more.


    DEATHPIMP72 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback. I might actually take you up on changing the walls for wood bridges as I also like the look of them better also.

    As far as Punishment goes it was a map made for game play in mind and although it may not be aesthetically as pleasing it does play well. :) Anyhoo, hope you enjoy the new map.
  5. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    looks good nice design looks like it would play well to looks like a good size for 4v4
    #5 abandoned heretic, Apr 22, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009

    DEATHPIMP72 Ancient
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    This is what I am hoping for. I should be able to do some extensive map testing over the weekend and see how it works. Hopefully I will be able to at least run a 5v5 on it, but we shall see.
  7. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    really nice map. looks liek it be a fun map to play on. for flag, is it made for one flag or multi?(since it is asymmetrical) it would be handy to have alittle more map information like wepons, power ups, u know. also, some picture still dont show up, could be just my computer, but there was a pretty good amount of picts. good job by the way
  8. Mini Waz

    Mini Waz Ancient
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    After having a look aroun the map, i'm going to stick with my original suggestions. I like the size of the map, its big enough but not too big. Also i found that the weapon placement was really nice and the choice of weapons makes the map well balanced.

    Again, good job!
  9. Milk Assasin

    Milk Assasin Ancient
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    judging by the screenshots, i would say that uve done a great job here, however i will download and have a play later on. the overall shape looks pleasing, and it seems that there is plenty, yet not too much or too little cover, which is always a good thing :) i think this would be awesome for team slayer with at least 4 v 4, now i just gotta find some ppl to play with XD but like others have said i do think that u should edit ur original thread to include a weapons/ equipment list, and generally give some more details on the map. and perhaps post some action screenshots? to show the map in action.

    ill come bk to edit after ive played on it.

    for now.. really well done :) 4/5

    DEATHPIMP72 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I will be adding action shots to the thread in the days to come as I have not been able to play test yet. I will come back to edit the weapon load out also. Sorry to not have included this first hand but my last map is going into matchmaking in May and I have to concentrate on the changes that need to be made on it over the weekend. Thanks for looking though, as I do think this map has great potential.
  11. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I did some running around on this last night. The only real complaints I have so far without playing this (tonight, maybe?) is that camo and OS are so close together. At first I thought they were set up for different gametypes, but they weren't. I'm curious as to your intentions there.

    The other thing I wanted to mention is that some of your ramps stop short of their intended target, causing you to have to jump up to the platform. You can see what I'm talking about in this picture.
    I'd recommend changing it up a little so that it's a smooth transition from ramp to platform. While you're at it, consider merging the wooden bridges into the blocks and tubes to continue on with the whole 'smooth transition' theme.

    I do want to get some test games on this with you to give you some more feedback. Just hit me up any time when you see me online.

    DEATHPIMP72 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for taking a look squid. The reason camo and OS are so close together is because of the placements of the rockets. Seeing that blue will almost always reach them first I wanted to challenge them by placing the OS and camo where I did. That might change in the future as I see how game play is.

    As far as the ramps I will probably re-visit those tonight and make some changes. They will certainly need to be fixed though as I see in the picture you put up.
  13. MADMAN Redux

    MADMAN Redux Ancient
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    Some interesting use of objects here I really like. I like how you use the corner tube pieces as small hills, sticking out of the floor. I also really like how you only use the bottom part of the open doors as short pillars. Queued.

    After setting foot on it, I really like the layout. Players starting on blue side will climb the whole map to red side, but for some reason, whether it be the ramps or effective object placement for jumps, it doesn't feel like going up hill. I think you really got the scaling and spacing right.

    There are two things I noticed, though, I would do differently. 1). I don't think the second red light in the back is necessary. The glow from the top one hits that area, and for what it costs ($20), I don't think it's worth it. I would also center the upper red light. 2). Weapon placement seems pretty odd. Squid pointed out the OS and camo thing. With the power ups, did you consider only using one and centering it so both teams have an equal chance at getting it? Further, you balance things out oddly. For example, on the other side of the hammer placement, you have a power drain. In the back, on the other side from the laser, you placed a carbine. Typically, these things (carbine excluded) are more centralized. More specifically, where you have the hammer, I would drop it in that pit area just below where I think you have a plasma rifle. That's a very good weapon placement area, and I think a plasma rifle is a waste, as it's not a coveted weapon.

    Further on this subject, I think the rocket placement is a bit odd. It's VERY close to blue side, and it won't be very useful when attacking the red base. If I had my way, I would probably give the rockets to red side and maybe put a sniper on blue side. That kind of thing will aid the players in that territory, since the blue side is the starting area for the assaulting team, and the red area is the defensive postion.

    Some people have this theory that you should make your players work for the weapons and NOT place them in the areas in which they are useful. I think it's a mixture of putting coveted weapons in contested areas and analyzing your map for what players will do when they obtain those items. For example, if a player were to grab the rockets on your map, what's the first thing he's going to do? He'll probably look to fire a couple of shots up to the red area. Most likely, he'll miss, and missing isn't fun. Further, you've essentially negated any effect that spawn placement may have had since picking up rockets =/= fun.

    Of course, this all depends on what your intent with this map is and what you hope to accomplish with each spawn location. It isn't my map. At present, though, I really like the layout. I don't like the weapon placement. The latter, thankfully, is easy to play with and adjust.
    #13 MADMAN Redux, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2009
  14. Sikamikanico

    Sikamikanico Video Team #corruptstaff
    Forge Critic

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    Looks like another good map from you here DeathPimp - although I agree with Waz on his earlier suggestion.

    I'll give it a download and try it out - I'll come back with any further thoughts.

  15. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    I got to run around this map last night, and I liked the varying elevations you've got going on and I really dig the your use of the corner tube pieces as little hills, like MADMAN mentioned.

    I also agree with Squid about the Camo/OS. I don't think placing 2 power-ups together is the right solution to balance out the rockets. Perhaps the Overshield + Power drain would work better. I don't know, just brainstorming a bit. Id have to get actual games on it to gather an accurate assessment.

    I do like the layout though, and the red lights glaring off that barricade up top... gorgeous.

    DEATHPIMP72 Ancient
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    I am going to revisit it tonight or tomorrow. If you,Max,or anyone else want to come into forge tomorrow maybe, we can bounce some ideas around.

    The red side of the map is slightly more of a stronghold then the blue though as when I started the map it almost felt like it was going the way of High Ground. I like the rest of the weapon load out though but just need to rethink the middle, maybe even adding some structure on the outside of middle to give more then just one way up the hill from blue. I still have a good amount of budget from using the "stacked" version of Skybox so it should not present to much of a problem if I need to add to it.

    Thanks for actually going into it and looking around and the great feedback.

    About the barricade LIGHTSOUT, I was a little hesitant to put it up there and fell in love with the reflection of it, lol.
  17. MADMAN Redux

    MADMAN Redux Ancient
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    I second the reflection off the barricade. It's not a frequently used item, so it's good to see it in this light (pun intended!).

    DEATHPIMP72 Ancient
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    Just read you edited info:

    The blue base has a snipe right behind base on spawn with only one clip. this was mt though process of placing the laser in the back of red on the ramp and another reason I placed both the camo and overshield further up and by the rockets.

    I agree about the red light and that will more then likely be a dropped object at the end of the day. I am going to go over with a fine tooth comb though as far as what works for the weapon placement and load out once i get the testing done on it.

    This map, I tried to make it look nice and play well and hope with some minor tweaks it can be.
  19. MADMAN Redux

    MADMAN Redux Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Definitely has potential, dude.

    DEATHPIMP72 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Changes made:

    Interlocked wood bridges in back of red base for smoother walking.
    Added tube exit from blue base to add more are to that side of map.
    Added wood bridge up to snipe in back of blue base.
    Moved overshield and active camo to even playing field.


    New Overview


    New Red


    New Blue


    Blue tube


    Action 1


    Action 2


    Action 3


    Download PATHWAYS II Here
    #20 DEATHPIMP72, Apr 24, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2009

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