Sandbox Extinction!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Turkey bag56, Apr 22, 2009.

  1. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    20 years ago a small squad of police were sent to a small town after a mass murder. they got there and couldnt find any bodys just a empty town so they called for the F.B.I to come have a look but after 2 hours of calling for them and not geting a anser they got suspicious and started calling everyone they could and none of them ansered... they soon relised that they were the last people left! they hid in a old house for 20 years in the darkness....
    20 years later they thought and hoped what ever killed everyone had gone and decided to turn on the lights not knowing how much of a mistake they were makeing!

    the survivos start with flash lights (plasma pistills) in a small house with some suplies but after 20 secs a light will turn on showing the zombies where they r and helping the survivos to see. nothing respawns other than lights but there r lots of other houses each with more suplies so u must keep moveing to survive!
    the zombies start in a small town with lights in the middle of the map. the town has a little bit of weps but going there as a human will most likely get u killed. zombies have quite a bit of health but will die 1 shot to the head but that will b quite hard to do in the darkness.

    game type:
    inital zombie count: 25%

    next zombie: random

    alpha zombie traits:
    damage resistance: 150%
    shield multipler: no shields
    shield recharge rate: 0%
    shield vampirism: 100% leech (i dont even no if this works with no shields lol)
    immune to headshots: disabled
    damage modifier: instant kill
    weps: energy sword
    player speed: 200%
    player gravity: 75%
    motion tracker mode: off
    active camo: off
    waypoint: visible to allies
    forced color: black

    zombie traits:
    damage resistance: 110%
    shield multipler: no shields
    shield recharge rate: 0%
    shield vampirism: 100% leech
    immune to headshots: disabled
    damage modifier: instant kill
    weps: energy sword
    player speed: 150%
    player gravity: 100%
    motion tracker mode: off
    active camo: off
    waypoint: visible to allies
    forced color: zombie

    last man traits:
    waypoint: visible to everyone
    everything else: unchanged

    base player traits:
    damage resistance: 100%
    shield multipler: no shields
    shield recharge rate: 100%
    damage modifier: 90%
    weps: plasma pistol
    grenade count: none
    infinite ammo: disabled
    player speed: 100%
    player gravity: 100%
    motion tracker mode: off
    active camo: off
    waypoint: no waypoint
    forced color: off

    general settings:
    number of rounds: 4
    time limit: no limit
    friendly fire: disabled

    heres some pics and more info about the map!
    without effects.

    small town
    this is where the zombies spawn

    small town pic 2

    human start
    this is where the people start its even darker with effects!

    some houses
    here u can see some of the houses from the human start point

    with effects

    human start from the inside
    this is a pic of the human start point from the inside after the lights r on

    mega house
    this is 1 of the 2 mega houses (the other ones pic was to dark so i didnt put it in sorry) they r kind of like safe houses but r not as safe they have lots of ammo/weps but when the lights turn on after 3 mins u will get alot more than u bargend for!

    mega house from the inside

    u can use regenerators to show your team mates where u r but u might also get some unwanted atention!

    flash lights
    plasma pistills r like flash light you will need them so use your ammo wisley. to avoid useing lots of ammo, when u stop useing it slowly let go of the trigger to avoid shooting a charged shot and wasting lots of ammo

    mega lights
    flares can b used to light up the hole map if u stand near them thay r hard to get so use them wisley

    so can fire bombs!
    try not to kill yourself lol

    made by turkey bag56 (me)

    link to map: : Halo 3 File Details
    game type: : Halo 3 File Details
    must have game type to play map!
    tell me what u think!
    but please this time befor saying the map sucks and giveing it a 1/5 could u atleast play it and read everything?
    #1 Turkey bag56, Apr 22, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  2. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    If you build a map that is at least somewhat impressive, then perhaps people will download it. This idea is unoriginal and done so many times over and over that it's disheartening to see another map with 1 and 2-story buildings just placed in different areas on the map.
  3. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    if theres so many of them then y havent i seen them on here? also i said that because in every other map people look at the pics without reading or playing it and rate on how the pics look without noing anything about the map or gametype

    ps: wheres the danger zone on this site?
  4. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    That's exactly what he (the author) meant.

    However, I have to agree with Shroomz. The concept is not new, an it has been done many times. However, there are a few things that I haven't seen before. The concept of light is really good, and I like the halogen light effect of the blue light. I don't mind the look of this. Good job! 3/5.
    #4 mastersync23, Apr 22, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  5. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    What do you mean, where are they? Talk about not reading posts... Just about every other map thrown in the Casual forum is with small 1 to 2-story buildings. The only difference is the location of the buildings.

    When you post a map here, you're like a salesman. It's your job to provide something to make us want to download your map. You gotta sell us your map. Pics and videos are the main way you can do that. If you can't provide good shots of your map, it usually means the map isn't that impressive either.
  6. HunTedMeat

    HunTedMeat Ancient
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    Dammit, I was going to make a map using those lighting effects but I guess I was beaten to the punch. Anyway, This map looks pretty well forged but if you actually GEO-merged the stuff into the sand, that would have been EPIC. As for the map and concept itself, nothing is really that outstanding about it. It would be nice if you were to give a detailed description of the gametype as well so we can get how this map plays out.
  7. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    yea well citys/towns r awesome to play on and each 1 has diffrent gameplay.... its like people all live in citys and towns and pay diffrent for each house because each house is diffrent, city maps r like that too... u can understand every competitive map being a 2 base map in the skybox because there all diffrent its the same with maps like this
  8. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    ill make and post a detailed description of the gametype in a few mins sorry for forgeting it lol also i didnt GEO-merged stuff because it kind of makes stuff look smaller and i had to delete 1/2 the stuff because i used the item limit thing so it already looked really small and also because i dont really no how to do it lol...
    #8 Turkey bag56, Apr 22, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  9. DarkIce Dragon

    DarkIce Dragon Ancient
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    I really like the idea of this map, showing your teammates where you can be found, but it can be used as a distraction to!
  10. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Let me guess... everyone goes and hides in one or two houses and blasts zombies as they come through the door or window? Am I close? How is that different gameplay from any other infection map in a town?
  11. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    k this is everything about the game type...

    inital zombie count: 25%

    next zombie: random

    alpha zombie traits:
    damage resistance: 150%
    shield multipler: no shields
    shield recharge rate: 0%
    shield vampirism: 100% leech (i dont even no if this works with no shields lol)
    immune to headshots: disabled
    damage modifier: instant kill
    weps: energy sword
    player speed: 200%
    player gravity: 75%
    motion tracker mode: off
    active camo: off
    waypoint: visible to allies
    forced color: black

    zombie traits:
    damage resistance: 110%
    shield multipler: no shields
    shield recharge rate: 0%
    shield vampirism: 100% leech
    immune to headshots: disabled
    damage modifier: instant kill
    weps: energy sword
    player speed: 150%
    player gravity: 100%
    motion tracker mode: off
    active camo: off
    waypoint: visible to allies
    forced color: zombie

    last man traits:
    waypoint: visible to everyone
    everything else: unchanged

    base player traits:
    damage resistance: 100%
    shield multipler: no shields
    shield recharge rate: 100%
    damage modifier: 90%
    weps: plasma pistol
    grenade count: none
    infinite ammo: disabled
    player speed: 100%
    player gravity: 100%
    motion tracker mode: off
    active camo: off
    waypoint: no waypoint
    forced color: off

    general settings:
    number of rounds: 4
    time limit: no limit
    friendly fire: disabled

    im going to put this in main post also but could anyone tell me how to do that thing where u have to click for it to show because this is a bit long and some people might not want to read about gametype just map.....
  12. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    because of its game type and layout of the map... if u get the map and use it on your gametype its going to b the same every time thats y u get the gametype too!... some gametypes zombies cant b killed some thay die one hit to anything some thay only die from head shots some u have infinite ammo so u just camp the house some each house only has so much ammo so then u have to move to the next 1 like this 1 and when moveing u can get lost very easy leaving u very vulnerable see what im saying? i could say like 5000 more types of gametypes/map layouts but theres no point because u get what im saying right?
    #12 Turkey bag56, Apr 22, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  13. skillkill119

    skillkill119 Ancient
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    fore the people who say not original. its meant for that gametype so unless u change the rules then its not goin to be original in witch then ur not playing the game its ment fore
  14. Bass Forger

    Bass Forger Ancient
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    Did you not read the freaking post? THIS IS ORGINAL.. Well i atleast thought it was. ;P
  15. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Look at just about every other thread for sandbox. The story line may be different, but it all boils down to the same old recycled garbage.

    zombie town

    the city

    30 day of night

    RE4-The Village

    Lost : Darkness Falls

    Those are all on page 1 and what do they all have in common? Humans hide in buildings and kill zombies with 1-2 shots. How can this map be any LESS original? Inside the crypt... on the main level... wherever. It's all the same idea rehashed over and over and over again.
  16. Orbiter6467

    Orbiter6467 Ancient
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    So are you saying that you DON'T want people to post these types of maps? I thought the idea of forgehub was for people to promote their maps. These town maps are included, right?

    To be honest, I like some town maps. Some of these types of maps force you to do objectives in order to move on. So no. Not all of these maps are being rehearsed over and over again.
  17. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Personally, I could give a crap about any more maps with 2-level buildings. We've had that grade school crap shoved down our throats for months on Foundry. If houses and small buildings are the best that you can come up with on Sandbox, then you seriously wasted your Microsoft points on getting this map pack.

    My opinion of ForgeHub was for people to show off exceptional creativity above anything else. Not rehash other people's ideas. If you want to simply promote a map that could probably be built on Foundry, you'd hit more people posting on Bungie's site.

    ForgeHub has always been, in my opinion, a place for the above average forger... a place for exceptional work, innovation, and creativity... the elite. Simply showing off average work is reserved for
    #17 MaxSterling, Apr 23, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2009
  18. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    Oh, hell no. The City is definetely not old recycled garbage. The City is a bring over from township. Screw you if you think it sucks. And it's pretty original. Inside the crypt is like old Foundry. Originality. Yep.

    Anyways, this map is pretty good. I wish you made more buildings though, and made it so that there was some funny stuff you can find out in the sand. Maybe some weapons?
  19. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Thank you for contradicting yourself and proving myself right in saying that it's a recycled map. You yourself say it's original after saying it's a bring over from township. If it's based on township, then it's hardly original.

    Township was a good map for Foundry... and should've stayed there.

    Enough with the off topic chat... back to the map this thread is about.
  20. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    how can u say its "recycled"? its a v2 of township that was made beter with the new stuff we can use on sandbox. township is awesome and so is the v2. u saying thats like me going into someones map and saying.... omg this maps so gay and unoriginal same with every other map on here because there all made on halo 3... it just doesnt work and calling the city unoriginal doesnt work ether.

    i had way more buildings and alot of radom stuff u could find walking around like weps with no ammo that say stuff lol but i had to delete them because i used item limit :( thats also y some of the houses r not that big because i had to make them smaller.

    edit: is there a way to get color in my signature? sorry for asking lol
    #20 Turkey bag56, Apr 24, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2009

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