Legendary DLC Spectac Flair

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by SpEcTaCuLar Ra, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. SpEcTaCuLar Ra

    SpEcTaCuLar Ra Ancient
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    Made By: SpEcTaCuLar Ra and iTz Flair

    Description: Well this is the first collaboration between SpEcTaCuLar Ra and iTz Flair and is a beauty to drive. This track has one of the nicest and smoothest bank turns ever made on Avalanche. This is probably one of the best Avalanche tracks ever but that's for you to decide. This track is very original with it's own unique layout not just being in one big turn but with several different turns. The track is totally uncheatable and if it isn't please tell me. It's good for all racing gametypes especially for battletracks. Please give constructive criticism and enjoy!!




    Straightaway after start

    Ramp turn

    Man-cannon Hill

    Double box bank turn


    Bridge bank turn

    Wall corner and barrier dip

    Watchtower base bank turn and destination

    Well That's It. Hope You Like Map!!!!

    Download Map
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    Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 SpEcTaCuLar Ra, Apr 10, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
  2. Micr0Snip3

    Micr0Snip3 Ancient
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    Looks really good!
    I like how high up it is to give the racers a panicked feeling despite how thick the track is.
    I think you will get many downloads because of that.
    I am glad there is a teleporter that if you fall you can go back up.
  3. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    hey very nice forging on this map man. I dl'd and am going to test this out later today and see if it is really that good =)
  4. god4

    god4 Ancient
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    there you go flair, this is "it!"
  5. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I love this track. Everything is so smooth and the design makes for very exciting racing. I'm loving all of these uber-smooth sky tracks that are coming out on Avalanche. Nothing to complain about. Great track.
    Aesthetics: 9/10
    Gameplay: 10/10
    Creativity: 8/10
  6. SpEcTaCuLar Ra

    SpEcTaCuLar Ra Ancient
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    Um please don't spam like that. Talk about the map and what flaws or good things that it had to it. Be more constructive with your replies.
  7. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
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    omg, you finished it (happy face) I really like how you finished it off it was great collaborating with you on this map. I am still on holidays now and just got internet today but will be back on monday. the bordering looks a bit sloppy but by the looks I think this is better then tranquilizer, glad to hear it has the "it"! Well when I get back monday ill be sure to test this out and then we gotta build a sandbox racetrack dude nice job again!
  8. dotsite

    dotsite Ancient
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    I lol'd there.

    Anyway, decent track, but not sure if I'll download it. It looks alright, but most tracks on Avalanche I dislike...might take a crack at it. ;)
  9. NADE 2 the RAID

    NADE 2 the RAID Ancient
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    this track is reaaaaaallly smooth good job spectac and flair in my opinion this is better than meltdown by a lil bit
    10/10 basically flawless
  10. DarklySymbiotic

    DarklySymbiotic Ancient
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    I noticed this racetrack had "Flair" in the title, and that is what realy caught my eye. Then I saw Spectac and thought, Spectac and Flair? OMGLOLNOWAY??
    I haven't been able to decide which is better now: Tranquilizer or this? After looking at the pictures and racing a couple laps on this, I decided that Tranquilizer still held the record for best built, but I have to admit this is much more of a blast to race on. That dip truly is spectacular and this plays ace for Battle Tracks great job on making this you two! Can't wait to see what will come up on Sandbox out of you guys, there's no way telling how amazing your next racetrack will be! :) Just one question, who built the bridge turn, because surrly the box turn is outstanding but I found that the bridge turn is seemingly epic and looks great from above. 5/5, how did Sky Pyramid get featured and this didn't?
  11. SpEcTaCuLar Ra

    SpEcTaCuLar Ra Ancient
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    Well to answer your question flair built the bridge turn which I also think is extremely nice and we will be making a map together on Sandbox soon so watch out for that. Glad you liked the map.
  12. philly100000

    philly100000 Ancient
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    looks extremly smooth great job 5/5
  13. dennis1895

    dennis1895 Ancient
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    this map is like 100% super interlocked :O
    the only i have to say is that you should make something more than turns and banked **** like high jumps or maybe a loop de loop stuff like that that makes a race map really fun to ride on
  14. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
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    Did you even race on the map? A racetrack dosen't need loop-dee-loops or high jumps to be fun, this is perfectly fun how it is. Loop-dee-loops don't always work 100% and need to be singlewide, which can ruin an entire race. Before you say it is just "banked ****" race on it and maybe even try a game of Battletracks.
  15. Zorro

    Zorro Ancient
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    Yes you probably have no idea how impossible a double wide loop is lol... Also jumps don't work often unless they are flat jumps with alot of speed or short jumps.. So banks are the way to go and the funnest thing =)
  16. dennis1895

    dennis1895 Ancient
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    yes i did and i saw what i thought it would be some turns which are nice interlocked and super smooth but thats it and it only last for like not even a minute then you already have finished the whole track just like that map you had before let me say this this map does have flair but its not ''spectaculair'' and i just dont like short race maps with a few nice turns and then .. ;.thats it i just don't like this style of race maps
  17. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
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    1st: There is no way I could have gotten this longer and still smooth and if I did, it would have to be single wide
    2nd: It's called "Spectac" Flair because Spectacular Ra always puts Spectac in his racetracks, so we combined our names
    3rd:you still don't know what your talking about. Your saying "turns and banks, its so boring" what else is there to be fun in a racetrack beside loop-d-loops and jumps which I personally don't find very fun. What your saying is like saying "on guitar hero all you do is strum and hit buttons"
    4th: Please learn proper grammar because I had trouble reading your messages because they are not peiced together properly. No use in argueing anymore with someone that dosen't even know what a racetrack is...
  18. dennis1895

    dennis1895 Ancient
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    1st:surprise:kay your right i am a bit confused because i mostly see long racetracks here and then when i see yours its just shorter but you already said its because of the double wide so ill take that back.
    2:your giving an wrong example its more like that when you play guitar hero you only hit the buttons and not use the strum so you are missing something same as in this map and just stop saying loop de loop i just said something quick to give you some examples what you should add in your maps trying to help you.
    3:if you think its bad then you dont do it simple as it is and stop making a joke of me that i dont know what i am talking about.if you cant have criticism then put it up on top of the post only critcism about how good the map is.
    4:i know my english isn't good and its easy to say use better grammar but i can't do that like right now.
    and dont say i dont know how a real racetrack is because i just have a different opinion about racetracks.
    im also done arguing with you.
    if your going to respond on this then i wont answer back and not filling this post with a stupid discussion.
    5:good luck with your maps
  19. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    lol very nice argument there geniouses lol jk... Flair he does have a point becuase all race maps are starting to basically become the same. But as for dennis it is really hard to make jumps work well and it is also almost impossible to make a double wide perfect loop that works all the time...

    The only things different much now are how the track is layed out... but I like the dip thingy in this map... My problem with this map is the transition to the bridges becuase for some reason I always hit some bump there that screws me up so that turn really doesn't work well for me... and the watchtower base turn isn't that great because those objects suck for this stuff lol... pretty good track there mai fri3ndz =)
  20. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    I'm not completely sure why you called it Spectac Flair, but this map is definitely unique, I've not seem many maps which have such an interesting layout. Well done, the gameplay is spot on (obviously I suppose it's not hard to make somthing work with RACETRACKS) but it is definitely a 'Must Have'.

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