It's Sumo Time This is my first map that I've posted on forge hub. First of all, I want to thank you all for the good tips I found in the Forging 101 section. In this map I tried the technique called geomerging. I used this technique for the first floor and the outer ring. Sumo Hill is a map that focuses on vehicle chaos. I made two gametypes on this map, called Sumo Hill and Sumonaut. In the first minute the map just has one floor, but then after a while mancannons spawn in the corners. After one minute the second floor spawns and the hill's location moves. After 2 minutes the last hill spawns (you can get there via man cannons, although it is rather challenging to do so). The goal for Sumo Hill is to bump your enemies off the hill and stay there yourself. Sounds simple, it is actually, but it's hella fun. I know this won't win the price for it's originality, but I think I made a really fun map for it. The goal for Sumonaut is different. The Sumonaut's goal is to try and get people off the level by throwing grenades under them (the non-Sumonauts can't die, and the Sumonaut has grenade regeneration). Other people have to try and splatter the Sumonaut. The person that kills this player will then become the Sumonaut themselves (just like Juggernaut). The Sumonaut has little health so he can get splattered easily, but can also commit suicide easily. Screenshots. This shows my map at the start. The hill and the outer ring are geomerged which I'm pretty proud of. This is the final look of the map. Each level spawns after 1 minute. Time for some action shots! Download It's Sumo Time! Download Sumo Hill Download Sumonaut If you have any feedback please let me know. It's my first serious forge map and there is always room for improvement. I tried various timed events, but I think these are the most fun. I tried, for example, to play with shield doors and kill balls, but they we're less fun. If however you think you know a cool timed event, please let me know! Would love to see some ratings of my map. Have fun playing =D! ************* I added the latest version of my map. Changes: - Added the wooden outer ring - Fixed a bug where one entry wall wouldn't spawn - Deleted the kill ball that spawned after thirty seconds. Everyone who downloaded this for 05-05-2009 please check out the newest and improved version would love to hear some ratings/feedback. Cheers!
it sounds really good i like the new floors spawning with the hill thing lol it would b good if u said what vehicles it has tho.... ill tell u what i think of the map when u post the pics im kind of busy atm
Actually you don't need photobucket anymore. Just go to and type your gamertag in (you'll have to wait a few minutes to retrieve your screens) then click on your account which then it should have all your screenshots you've ever taken. Click on the ones of your map and there should be a img posting code at the bottom (It'll say Forgehub next to it). Copy and paste that code into your post and wallah! you have embedded your pictures. Hoped this helped.
Fix'd for ya. Just changed some spelling and grammar stuff. On topic: Sounds really cool, I hope you upload images soon!
Well started with the post and when photobucket wasn't working I had to go to school. Didn't want to make the post all over again . But you're right, sorry, there are some screenshots now, enjoy. Each side has one warthog, 2 gooses and 2 ghosts. An earlier version had also a Gauss hog on each side, but people started shooting people of the hilll. That sucked =P. Thanks for the advice! Though my newest screenshots wern't there. The screenshots you see now are a bit older. In a few hours I will upload some new shots (including action shots). Cheers !
Do the pictures look that awful =P? I really would love to get some feedback to help to improve my map.
Ok just for clarification how are the wood bridges "geomerged" meaning they are merged into the geometry of the level, I think the term you are looking for is "interlocked". Otherwise it looks good and I love how the hill keeps moving up higher. nice job. The pictures look good, can you only get up to the second and third levels on only the red and only the blue sides?
Ehm could be that I'm confused by the terms. In the first version the bridges we're very bumpy. What I did was said a bridge at respawn at start "no" and then I placed another bridge halfway in it. Don't know if that's geomerging or interlocking. Indeed, the bue sides take you to the second floor and the red sides take you to the third floor with two man cannons.
Some more action shots for your enjoyment Watch out behind you! No for real! Abandon the vehicle! In yo' face
Got like 60 downloads but still zero feedback :<. Would really like to hear from anyone who has played my map!
Stop triple posting. Anyway this map looks average. This has been done several time before. The only problem I can see with the map is the actaul area that you battle in looks way too small.
Hmm well it isn't that bad. People can choose between different vehicles. And even if you can't splatter the juggernaut, the juggernaut will suicide (e.g. stick a near by ghost) and the juggernaut will be chosen randomly. Well I know the whole monster truck concept isn't new, but I do think the whole floor system is new. I played a lot of monster truck maps and I don't think there is one that can top mine.
I found out that an old version still was on my fileshare, I've updated it with the newest version. Changes: - Added an outer ring of wooden planks - Changed a bug where a wall wouldn't spawn in the first 30 seconds - Deleted the kill ball that spawned at the end of the game.
this looks very good. ive been thinking of amap like this for awhile based on the banjo-kazooie n&b game sumo. i hope it can play as well as this.
dude replying to your confusion before about geomerging: you interlocked the wooden planks with all the "spawn at start: no" stuff. Geomerging is when you merge (interlock) an object with the map geometry a.k.a. the ground or walls which i dont think you can do in the skybubble (correct me if I'm wrong) To geomerge you put an object like a block on the ground and surround it with other objects. you then push the block into the ground and it sinks in. thats all it is: putting objects into the floor or walls. i hope that helps you understand
Well do'nt know that game, it's more or less inspired to the Sumo game from Fuzion Frenzy, but I think mine is funnier ! Hope you have the time tot test the maps with your friends. Would really like to hear some feedback from other people then my friends. ] Ah I see, thanks for the clear explanation!