Draculas CastleStory:You have been a prisoner for many years. Fortunately for you Dracula is short on gold and cannot repair his castle. The cell doors are week and you can break through. Now all you have to do is escape the castle of blood thirsty vampires. Description:You have two option. You can escape to to the village of power weapons or go to the armory with battle rifles and turrets. Oh and you could also sneak into the vampires living quarters and teleport to a sniper spot. Zombies have full shields but only gain health by killing other humans. Weapons: Assault Rifle x8 Battle Rifle x6 Shotgun x1 Sniper x4 SMG x4 Spiker x2 Rockets x2 Spartan Laser x2 Gravity Hammer x1 Carbine x2 Fuel Rod x1 Beam Rifle x3 Sentinel Beam x1 Machine Gun Turret x1 sword x1 Draculas castle v2I took all of your ideas and made a v2. There are now two ways to get into the armory. I put a tank to block the zombie spawn so they can't run out at the begining and kill the humans with 5 secends of the game. I also removed both sniper towers. draculas castle v2 Pics [/URL] birds eye view of the map [/URL] the village [/URL] grand hall [/URL] dungeon [human spawn] [/URL] armory [/URL] living quarters [zombie spawn] [/URL] sniper spot 1 [/URL] sniper spot 2 Map:Draculas Castle Gametype:vampire Edit: the links are fixed
Seems like a really cool idea. Map layout looks awesome, but if you were to make a V2. I'd make it fully enclosed. And how camped is the spot where the turret is? Anyways nice map. : ) 3.5/5
This seems like a cool idea, but the sniper towers look alittle to overpowering.. Just camping up there and standing on the teleporter so that the zombies can't come in and then waiting for the time to run out... If you fixed up alittle bit of your forging, and took out the sniper areas, this would be ALOT more fun.
Ok thanks for the feedback. What if i put like 4 teles up there though so then the human cant camp and has to decide on which one the zombies are going to go through
Teleporters are a no-no in infection games. If zombies can only get someone by going through a teleporter, then people can block the teleporter or sit behind it and assassinate the zombies as they go through.
ok in a v1.1 ill remove the teles. It would get annoying for someone to camp on it and never die wouldnt it?
Yes. Yes it would. This map looks quite well forged, and I think you have done a good job. Just take out the snipers, and you'll make this map awesome!
While it looks like an improvement over you last few maps, I won't be downloading this map for two reasons... 1.) MG Turret camped on the only entrance of a room. 2.) Sniper tower only accessible by teleporter. That's two too many bottlenecks for zombies...
ill get to work as soon as I can and make v1.1. I hope you guys will download that. And Shroomz thanks for your encouragement by saying I improved because I dont think I am a great forger
I don't think that you necessarily have to be a great forger to make a great map. I think a great map usually has a few key things. 1.) Originality - try making something others rarely see. 2.) Take into consideration all teams. If you're building an infection map, take the zombies into consideration. They need a chance, otherwise they goof around or quit. If it's a team battle map, then both teams should be equal. 3.) Make it fun for everyone.
ok i will put on my file share when I come home from school. I also added a barrier so the zombies dont just immediately sprint into the prison
Looks like a fun map. I'll definitely download as soon as I get another wireless adapter for mai xbox .
looks fun but humans will rape in the sniper spots. also is that turret facing a wall? because if its not im pretty shure they could camp in the armory. but other than that i looks very well forged! fix those problems and i wil DL. 3.5/5 untill you make a v2. Edit: wait is there a v2? my bad.