Tsavo Highway V 1.1Hi everone on ForgeHub. This is my first map that I will post on FH, without further aideu, here it is. This is a map I would like to call Tsavo Highway. No it is not a remake of the campaign level. I just thought of this name while makeing the first part of the map which is a small race track through some tubes and over some ramps and a kill ball. The ground consists of one ramp and one floating teleporter. you must keep Sierra725 ( VIP ) alive for 180 sec. until some ramps that lead to the tele spawn, once they do you must take the teleporter down to the basement and run through a labrynth of tubes and y intersections and another kill ball if you play your cards right, ( or wrong ) then after getting your VIP to the VIP goal point thing you get ten points and the next round begins, there are seven rounds in all. GameType: Cavalier. Vip Speed:125% Resistance:150% Normal shields 200% recharge 125% damadge modifier weapons change to Shotty & BR with INF Ammo. But VIP can still pick up other guns. Unlike most vip games This vip can drive his/her own vehicle. Enhanced sensors, 25m radius. Forced color none. VIP team traits, 125% movement. The map itself has eight mongooses where you spawn originally, 2 guass hogs, two original hogs and a chopper on the ground floor and nothing in the basement. xXPicture TimeXx Kill ball jump [/URL] Initial 'highway' overview [/URL] Labrynth overview ( Achievement awarded if you can see the kill ball ) also no weapons down here. [/URL] Detailed view of the 'starting line' [/URL] overview of the compact vehicular combat area. [/URL] Random stucture for hiding from gunfire from the chopper or whatever [/URL] Rocket/sniper spawn both respawn after 150 sec.[/URL] Equipment/duels spawn all have standard respawn time, I would use the trip mine to block off sections of the labrynth so you/the vip can escape the cluches of a chase[/URL] A few random structures[/URL] [/URL] Final Overview.[/url] P.S. that tube thing is boobie trapped. Thats it for the tsavo highway. If you want it heres the Map Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Gametype Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Is it kinda like a maze or is it a race map... I am confused @_@. Anyway good job on the post I think it's all correct and the map looks decent. Good job 3/5
these maps have been done before. sept i do like how it is a foot and mongoose map (i think) it doesnt look messy to me which is cool. i think you should show more then layouts, for i am kinda confused at what exactly you do... i no you just have to keep the VIP alive, just add some more pics or better desription of your pics
For a first post you're pretty detailed... good job The map, Looks pretty cool. I think for one the VIP concept would better fit this more then a race map. For two the overall forging of the map could use some work but for this style map i guess it doesnt really madder Ill give the map a 3/5 until i play it Welcome to forge hub! ~ FSC RedNeck PS u probly shoulda posted it in the mini game maps section
cool Im confused in the sense of what you do but the forging looks good and neat so 7/10. PS: Is this more pointed towards man to man or vehicular combat? -King
Meh, I would hardly call this a race map, but a "Hey I'm Supposed to be Using a Mongoose or Warthog but I'm Totally Gonna Use These Weapons to Kill the **** out of Everybody Else Playing" map. And nobody likes that. Really, the crypt labyrinth is uninspired and symetrical (Thus defeating the purpose of a labyrinth), the beginning is just plain bland and the middle is just a smorgasborg of random structures and cramped 'hogs. So here's some stuff you can do. 1. Make this about racing, or fighting, not both. 2. Unclutter your vehicles so that nobody just destroys everything. 3. Fix the crypt. 4. Make the bottom a track/give somebody some chance to win via driving skills. 2/5 Because there is seemingly very little thought to this map. EDIT: Went back and saw how sloppy this is as well. Check out this little number for some fantastic advice on fixing your maps up and making them look ship-shape.
It took like 20 seconds to resize all the pictures. lol. Good map, though it is confusing. Ill download it and check it out then rate.
Sorry, but if you're gonna take the name from Halo 3... the least you could do is make it look like it. Otherwise, be original and make up your own name to go with your own map. Personally, I think you would have been better off recreating the actual Tsavo Highway than going off on your own.and creating something on your own. The map and game concept makes no sense whatsoever. You're racing... you're not... you're fighting... wth? The crypt and skybubble pieces look like you slid them up to each other well enough. The ground level... that's in a league on it's own. Have one idea, stick to it, and work with it. This map looks like you're pulled in too many directions.
Look I realize this map wasn't the best, so sue me, Ill be making a new better versioin of a map like this called, Glory March, it'll be better I assure you.