New "Gametype": Survival Mode

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rated Dirty, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    Hey guys, Rated Dirty here again. I have Left 4 Dead and today downloaded the Survival Pack DLC for free on the marketplace. I was very impressed with Valves Survival Mode. It offered a getaway from the same ol' VS mode. I also love to play Dead Air on versus! Today, I was thinking of a new sandbox map. And it hit me! Why not make a survival mode like the one from left 4 dead. So I started on the first map of this gametype. It is an old cabin out in the forest. Humans will see how long they can last against the constant horde of infected.

    Game Regulations

    Humans have 60 seconds to get ready

    after 45 seconds have gone by, lights will turn on and it will become darker, warning humans to get into cabin.

    Infected will wait 60 seconds until a gravity lift will take them across to the tele-room. Where they can choose which one to go through. Each one leads to a different point around the cabin. every 45 seconds infected will get 4 custom powerups. Giving them the control of a HUNTER for a period of 90 seconds. Hunters move faster, jump higher, more damage, more health, Black, and has poor camo making it easier to sneak around.

    There are MANY weapons and ammunition scattered around the cabin and outside of it. Secret weapons are placed around the map. They will be VERY hard to reach.

    Fusion coils spawn around the map. It is recommended before the humans 60 second free time is up. They move the fusion coils to where they want them. That way they can pick off zombies easier. Fusion Coils WILL NOT respawn. 4 tripmines are in the cabin to be placed around. Like the coils, the mines WILL NOT respawn. Humans will need to stick together in a secured position to last the attacking infected. Humans are very strong but health will not recharge. This is meant to last around 5-10 minutes.

    There will be more maps in the making for survival. Maybe it will turn out like Conquest... I will post more when I can

  2. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    I've thought of a similar gametype, that used a wave system similar to GoW2's Horde mode. In it's beta testing, it was rather fun, but the map I had made for it wasn't all that great.

    There's a chance I'll go back to that gametype at a later date, but I'm not entirely sure....
  3. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    I see what you were saying. But this isn't really meant to be horde. Just see how long you can last an endless wave of infected. You can save your best times and maybe we could have a contest...
  4. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Yes, they are different.

    I had thought about L4D back when I had been making it, and it was sort of like an odd combination of L4D and Horde Mode, as the zombies kept coming, but they became more powerful as the game went on, to increase the emphasis on teamwork...
  5. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    That sounded pretty cool. I will probably post pictures up tommorow. I have no gameplay pictures yet. But I can give pictures of the layout of the cabin and the "Forest". I hope you guys can support me to really make this very famous.
  6. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    this would be fun, but it wouldnt be much like l4d at all. the challenge of l4d is the huge amounts of zombies, their special abilities, and the very fast paced gameplay. all of which is not possible in a halo 3 infection game.
    im not saying it wouldnt be fun, should definitely still make, just not like l4d. if thats what you were aiming for.
  7. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    I was making it to be a little like l4D. Share some similarities but at the same time MAJOR differeneces. I will be posting pictures and the game settings up ASAP today. But school... I don't have enough time to make and post anything. Trust me, you will be liking this one!
  8. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    I think it'll be really fun. I havent played l4d survival mode yet(stupid school and sports) but I think this gametype would be fun with 4 survivors and 12 infected! It's definitly meant for a big party of 16.
  9. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    seems pretty cool, but also seems hugely similar to Manifest: Help is on the way, right?
  10. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    A little silence. But this is a hold it out gametype. You camp inside the cabin. Not moving around like Manifest. But I see where you got that from. I will be posting pictures very very soon.
  11. ewren3

    ewren3 Ancient
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    ive been thinking about recreating **** zombies from cod:waw but this looks like it may be way better =)
  12. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Yes. I remember advising people on how to set up wave systems. I figured out how to create 6 different waves at some point, and even made a test map of that concept that worked rather well, but I accidentally deleted it :(. Here, I will tell you about it:
    1. The zombies start far away from the human base, with starting traits to make them weakest.

    2. They respawn in a sealed room, with 5 teleporters lined up, so they have to walk through the first one's to reach the farthest one. The first four are blocked, forcing them to go through the 5th teleporter that takes them a little closer than where they started.

    3. They 1st teleporter unblocks, forcing them to pick up a custom powerup before they take the last teleporter, making them stronger.

    4. The 4th teleporter is unblocked, taking them even closer to the base.

    5. The 2nd teleporter is unblocked, taking them to one of two room (random) that contain either an active camo or an overshield, on a timed respawn, so that only one zombie out of many becomes a specialized zombie.

    6. The 3rd teleporter is unblocked, taking them closest to the human base. The latest this wave can be created is at 3 minutes into the game.​

    At the very last wave, the zombie's teleport closest to the human base, with the more powerful custom powerup traits that overwrite their respawn traits, and every once in a while (whatever you set it to), a specialized (invisible or tank) zombie attacks the human base.

    (I made this post so good, I might just make it into a thread) This may not fit into your L4D game at all, but you can use whatever aspects of it you find would help your game.
    #12 Sotha Sil156, Apr 22, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  13. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    ah ****. I started working on a remake of light house... I'll will just have to make it better then you do! hahaha! lol
    But I'd love to test this with you sometime it seems like a good idea. If you want to get a game on it when your done send an invite to hlg flashpoint
  14. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    Aight flashpoint. I will be sure to send you invites for when I do testing.
  15. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    This would be extremely cool, like l4d survival but original AND in halo. cant wait for pics of the map so that we can see how it is coming. if you get more people to like this, you might have yourself a new popular game varient.

    Also, if anyone wants to create Left 4 Dead remakes or originals, please visit my thread to show your maps or just give ideas for others and myself. I'm not trying to take maps, I'm trying to inspire an entirely new infection era that works similarly yet differently to l4d. I will also create challenges every once in a while, l4d challenges. Please check it out.

    And keep this up Rated Dirty. If you need ideas or testers, I'm here to help. Good luck with this.
    #15 Eternal Reconnaissance, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  16. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Reminds me of the first Far Cry, man some of those maps were awesome. I think it would be sweet for halo but the maps would have to be done by experts.

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