Racing the Rings

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Screenshots' started by Gungurd, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. Gungurd

    Gungurd Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Check it.
  2. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nothing special here. No effects. Meh.

  3. Gungurd

    Gungurd Ancient
    Senior Member

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    campaign, alone
  4. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I don't understand what you're trying to tell me.
  5. Gungurd

    Gungurd Ancient
    Senior Member

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    oh well, i shot it from a game in campaign
    just foolin around
    its all cool
  6. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I figured that out xD. But maybe if a sentinal was shooting at you, you could have put the camera up close to the beam and add an orange "filter."
  7. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Lol silly screenshot noob. Who said a screenshot needs an effect to be excellent? Stop following the effect lovers out their and give a proper review of the screenshot.

    Anyway.... I love this picture the backdrop fits in perfectly with the chief. The Broken ring adds in well too. Great screenshot and possibly one of the greatest campaign shots I've ever seen. It's even better you did it without effects!

  8. Gungurd

    Gungurd Ancient
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    thank you dude!
  9. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    definately the backround and the fact that the chief is looking right at you, really just makes this pic a 5/5. Oh, the other guy is noob.
  10. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is an excellent shot, and the size of the image file is huge!

    Every piece fits together well, the mongoose light with the bright ring to the left, and the faceplate with the cherry red burning ring plates. I love the red/blue balance.
    You can clearly see the upcoming terrain in the 'Chief's faceplate, which adds an element of depth.
    The faceplate image makes it seem like his mind is set on the task ahead, and all the fire around him.

    The shot is like a freeze-frame straight out of an action movie.
    Master Chief's shotgun completes the mood of action, and complements the fiery look in his faceplate, which is as close as we can get to an expression.

    The ring looks like it's pulling itself apart; it seems to represent the conflict around the Master Chief, which is almost behind him now. Just One Final Effort left.

    Some serious captions would be: "Punch it", "Freight train to hell", and "One Final Effort".

    To get technical, and as Blue Pariot may point out, this shot doesn't fit into the rule of thirds.
    If you're going to take a lot of screenshots to post in this forum, check out these tips on how to put the interesting parts of your picture where people will see them.

    These are just tips, but they can improve the reception of your shots from the community.
    #10 Catmon, Apr 18, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2009
  11. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    It is rather interesting, especially the ring behind him, but there's one thing I don't get (slightly off-topic):

    Is the snowy 'natural' terrain that you fight on at the start in the middle of the ring (from inside edge to inside edge so that it fills the centre area), or is it on the inside edge of the ring (if this is the case, the part of the ring behind John was a part that he was driving on previously)??
  12. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The key to a great screenshot lies not in some wild effect,
    but the way in which the screenshot is composed.

    While your screenshot may lack the effects that we normally see on this forum, it definitely stands out with it's artistic presence. I'm not here to praise your screenshot, however, because then you, as well as "melyourtv," won't learn anything.



    As Catmon has already stated, your screenshot does not directly fit the "Rule of Thirds." This is not entirely necessary to have a good screenshot, however, but can make a large difference. It is a proven fact that people will genaerally focus on the areas where the lines meet and, if there is an empty space there, the viewer will notcie that first. In this screenshot, the spartan is semi in the middle, and not on one of the "focal points." When someone first notices this screenshot they are most likely to focalize onthe stock of the shotgun, rather than the spartans helmet. A simple change of positioning can greatly impact a viewer's first impression on a screenshot.



    The first thing I would like to point out is the choice of background. Bungie didn't take time to create good "graphics" on those rings because that would have taken forever. You may have not noticed it but you took full advantage of that flaw. If you notice in the picture, the spartan is in clear focus, while the tower is somewhat blurry. This is like "macro photography," in which the main object is in focus, while the background is not. Although this is not exactly the same, it is probably as close as you are going to get in Halo 3's theater mode. This was probably not planned by you, but I still would like to point it out.


    One thing I would like to point out is the mongoose's front light. This was rather bright and, although I know you cannot change this, takes away from the picture. It's not a big problem, but I still would like to show you some parts that could try and somehow be worked around and/or avoided in the future.


    As I have stated earlier, the Spartan's head is almost directly in the middle. Although there is nothing wrong with this, moving the spartan to one of the main focal points will set you up for an "epic" pose, as well as create a better first impression. Depending on how far you are in campaign, I would suggest going back and trying to retake this shot while visualize the rule of thirds.

    End Note

    This is a true artistic screenshot, no effects needed. I didn't want to go into lighting because Catmon already brought that up and I didn't feel another paragraph was needed to restate what he said. I think that if you would have postioned the camera a little differently this would have made an already-great screenshot even better. I will not give a "rating" on this screenshot because it won't do anything. It's just a number that really doesn't tell you what you did wrong or right. I hope you learned a little from this and can apply it to some more of your screenshots.

    Brought to you by Blue Effects

    look gaiz. kewl effects!

    By the way, nice bumper sticker ;)

    (And guys, this is how you do a review.)

    #12 Blue Pariot, Apr 18, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2009
  13. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Is that all people care about? effects?


    on topic,
    nice screenshot, I like how everything blends together, except for that bright light... but overall 4/5
    #13 Monolith, Apr 18, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2009
  14. Gungurd

    Gungurd Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks dude! I like those captions
  15. Gungurd

    Gungurd Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks alot man. My photography teacher taught me the rule of thirds just this year. I took this a little more back to notice. But yeah you gave a great review, thanks for the epic feedback. I may retake it in the future. Also funny screeshot at the end. hehe
  16. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Don't listen to the people that says it is bad because there are no effects. Sometimes some of the best screenshots don't have any effects.

    The screenshot is very good. You don't see many campaign pictures. The best part about the shot is the angle. You captured the angle perfectly. And the background is awesome. 5/5 for this. Great shot man.
  17. Gungurd

    Gungurd Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thank you
  18. PaNdeMic

    PaNdeMic Ancient
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    omg are you kidding. shure there are no cool effects but it works really well with the background and since i love goosin ima DL this
  19. Gungurd

    Gungurd Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks bruh
  20. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow man, effects aren't everything. If anything. effects DETRACT from a screenshot. Your opinion on what makes a good screenshot is WARPED.

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