Ok, there's a long answer and a short answer to this... Short answer: that's how it is..., it depends on their mood i guess? Long Answer: Well, first I got the Halo: CE, because my friend said that it wasn't too bad, and then when halo 2 came out, I said "well i have to first halo so can i get the second?" and so on until halo 3. And then he became more and more lenient, so mostly i'm allowed to get war games that only have violence that are M with some convincing. It's only because of the sexual themes and partial nudity that i'm not allowed to get the game...
Mass effect was a pretty good game, but it could get a little repetitive with the dialog and side quests sometimes (and the Elevators!) I would probably suggest Oblivion if you were looking for that type of game. If you liked Knights of the Old Republic, you'd probably like Mass Effect.
Oh jesus don't remind me about the elevators! Amber:So wrex your a krogan? Wrex:Yeah.... <dah dah dum dee dah dah music> .........time going by .....more time going by.... ...........if you listen real closly you can here your life force seeping away..... .....more time...... <dah dah dum dee dah> FINALLY! ....Oh wait my next contact is back up there.... <dah dah dum dee.....>