What about a Sandbox map pack? No, I don't mean a bunch of sandy levels, since I know someone's going to bring it up... I mean 3-4 levels or so which are similar to Sandbox in the sense that they could have a ground level, a "Sky Bubble" and maybe a "crypt" area as well, except with a different environment for each one. We have a technology themed level with Foundry and a desert with Sandbox. I would love to see a Sandbox style level similar to Avalanche or Blackout for the night-esque would be pretty cool. A sandbox-style gorge in the style of Valhalla would also be cool. I know it might seem a little pointless, but as cool as alot of the Foundry maps were, it would've been cool to see what some of those could've been under different scenery. Although it wouldn't have effected gameplay, just the looks could've made it "feel" better I suppose.
I would bring back Turf and add two other maps. Two new maps would be nice. I like seeing new maps and one remake. Kinda like the Legendary Pack I suppose. Anyways, Turf, something that resembles a ruined forest area, and then something like a flying covenant ship. I'd like to see a map that has an actual moving sky unlike other maps. It would be neat to finally see the inside of a huge covenant ship instead of seeing a human ship.
Urban pack, new terminal, new turf, new headlong New Midship map with a new Desolation, and one other brand new Forerunner style map. Really a pack of remakes form halo ce, and h2 would be the best.
a big team map maybe two large building across from eachother you can see across to the other base from the top but once you get to the bottom theres several small and large buildings with streets large enough for warthogs main power weapon would be rockets i hate the laser and a hornet thats found towards the back and top of the buildings there would be a lrger side building with a sniper and then a park area on the other side perfect for vehicle battles or br duels and has the rockets
i'm going to ask Urk to talk to bungie about making a few of these. i want to see some player designed levels put into Halo3. that'd make me feel like the fans can put somthing into Halo besides killing a ton of enemies in campaign.
turf wasnt that great of a map. And what you said about the forest one they should bring back Timberland from halo ce for the computer/mac. And i believe Boarding Action was a Covenant ship i may be wrong but that would be another awesome remake.
You might want to check out Halo Wars... If its about sending over mass grunts and controlling units then it should be the game for you
Since heretic is midship I would probably have 2 remakes in the map pack with Ivory Tower and Sanctuary. Then the other would be some sort of big team map just to make a majority of the players happy. Thinking like a business =)
i've played halowars, it was pretty good especialy for an xbox table top game. thats not what i meant about the BTC. BTC is un halo 3, a first person shooter, not a table top game. i meant that the covenant could be spwaned on the map using forge. then you and 16-18 people could rip your way through them.
I believe that Headlong should be remade. However, the other two maps should definitely be new, not remakes. You can't always live in the past.
I think they should make a one-map map pack. One HUUUUGE map (talking like the size of covenant campaign level but probably waay biiger). Then you can make annnyyythiiing! Buildings, AI's, Scarabs, rivers, Mountains, Cities, all that jazz. Basically a FC2 map editor in halo 3, but more halo style... Could you imagine the crap we could make?
COULDNT BE DONE the amount of Hard drive space that would take would be inmense!! if it even could be done we would ony be able to build 1 map before are hard drive is full
well they did it in farcry 2... thats what I mean. I don't mean like full develepor kit type stuff...