Sandbox Resident Evil 4 - The Village - LOTS OF PICS

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Geoff Portnoy, Apr 18, 2009.

  1. Geoff Portnoy

    Geoff Portnoy Ancient
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    tl;dr: Go to bottom for links

    Hey. It's my first time posting here, but I felt like other people would enjoy this map. As you will see, this is the area in Resident Evil 4 where you first meet Dr. Salvador. It is also featured in the "Mercenaries" Minigame. The map includes everything that the game does, except for only a few small buildings that were found beside the Watchtower, and the small open area beside the gate. It is about 90-95% accurate, as some of the spacing and sizing is off. Anyways, Let's begin the tour, shall we? The first image is how it appears in Resident Evil 4, and the 2nd is how it appears in Halo. I built this with my protege, Death Banana.

    The view from the South

    View from the North

    Church, Watchtower, and Barn


    Shotgun House (Large House) Main Floor

    Large House Top Floor - Notice the Shotgun on the wall

    Small House

    Small House Back


    Other Barn

    It is the only (working) version of this map on ForgeHub, so download and Enjoy!

    Map Download: Resident Evil 4 Village
    Gametype Download: Resident Evil Gametype

    Feel free to change up the gametype. DO NOT TAKE CREDIT.
    #1 Geoff Portnoy, Apr 18, 2009
    Last edited: May 23, 2009
  2. Powerslave

    Powerslave Ancient
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    It's a very good idea, ill give you that, but its a little messy.
    maybe straightening out some of the roof walls and such
  3. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Accuracy wise, it's very accurate, and I've never played RE4. Aesthetic wise... meh, only good looking from higher up. A wide majority of this map I find to be very messy, and you could have spent more time on it. For example, some of the upstairs flooring looks uneven, ad will probably give a gross bumpy feeling when you are playing. Overall, 3/5, I'd make a V2 if I were you.
  4. sonofnight94

    sonofnight94 Ancient
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    Thanks for the pics of the original. I can say that this is a more-than-fairly accurate remake, but a little interlocking goes a long way.

  5. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    JUst like the last few have said, it looks nice but very sloppy in some places.
  6. Ghost717

    Ghost717 Ancient
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    i suggest you mak a v2 of this because I can see you didn't or forgot to interlock in places like the roof and walls. It does look the same as the other pictures I'll give you that. 3/5
  7. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
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    ok again dude u need to learn how to interlock, it makes the map a whole lot neater and makes gameplay better.

    when you redo V2 ill DL but now 3/5

    ok for the similarities but bad because of the untidieness
  8. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Very nice, looks like you literally compared the pictures every second you were building the map.

    Constructive Criticism:

    • Not sure as to whether or not the buildings are supposed to be messy. Even if they were, you may want to straighten it up.
    • The barriers are low and you have tons of stuff to use, all you have to do it maybe add an extra object at the top to stop grenade jumping.
    • It's not easy to add detail with such huge objects, but if you interlock it makes a difference.
  9. Apple s4uc3

    Apple s4uc3 Ancient
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    This is a great idea I can see the resemblence and its big and clean. Nice job.
  10. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    Welcome to Forge Hub!

    For starters:
    -Thanks for putting some pics of the map you were basing it off of.
    -Amazing idea. Id really want to play a game of infection on this. haha

    Some other things:
    -Make sure to interlock and geomerge. for if you dont (you get lots of bad comments as seen above) but it also makes the map not play as well.
    -Straighten out the outer wall unless you wanted it to look sloppy

    Anyhow, love the idea of RE4 (im a big fan) needs a little work. Make a version2. I'm positive if you touch up some areas it will make this map extremly better.
  11. Geoff Portnoy

    Geoff Portnoy Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments and criticism!

    A couple notes:

    I am currently working on how to interlock stuff, so when V2 is released it will be MUCH neater.

    Kryticate - I had the map running on Garry's Mod the entire time, and that is where I got the comparison pictures.

    I also have the game mode set up so that gravity is relatively low, or at least realistic, so grenade jumping over the barriers is hard/impossible.

    Finally, I continue to update the game mode, so check my File Share for the most current edition!
  12. SILKtrocity

    SILKtrocity Ancient
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    I've been contemplating on creating a map with this idea in mind (not from the RE4 but a village none the less). I will not be downloading it, only because It looks like you didn't spend enough time on it. I think it would of been cool if you could go in EVERY single building you make.. would you mind if I snatched this idea from you??
  13. Geoff Portnoy

    Geoff Portnoy Ancient
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    Actually, if you would be interested, I'm looking for someone who can help me with more "Advanced" forging techniques. If you wanted to work together on the map I would be open. I also have another project in mind if anyone is looking for work. (PM me to talk about either)
  14. killbot a61

    killbot a61 Ancient
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    thanks for the comparison shots or else i would have had no idea what this was

    from the pics i could see that this was a pretty accurate remake
    but in some places it was a little sloppy, but that just makes it look more vacant
  15. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Now everyone knows how I feel about towns, the last thing I like seeing are more of them... but this is a decent recreation of a map from another game. It's a shame that you made it so sloppy.

    Here are some suggestions on improvements...
    The wall around the town could definitely use some interlocking. I personally would have used the huge blocks instead of the double blocks.

    While many suggest interlocking for the rest of the buildings, I think just placing them to fit better would go a long way. They currently look all jagged and crooked, just taking the time to place them nicely will go a long way in improving the look. It's not always necessary to interlock.

    For the roof of the barn, I'd have used the arches or possibly even the wide wedges, depending on the look I was going for. I'd have also centered the barn door using three half walls. It may waste an extra piece, but it will still give you the two wall width you were using.

    Another common mistake people make is putting blocks on top of buildings that use walls for the sides. It looks tacky and disproportionate. Stone or wood bridges would give it a better look and is more proportionate. Avoid using tall/huge/large/double blocks for roofs on wall pieces at all costs. Block roofs on block pieces is fine.

    I'd also suggest an OLN map to start off with. This will help you maximize the number of total pieces you can use and not worry about budget, either.

    Those few suggestions will probably increase your chance of getting more downloads.
  16. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    i see the resemblence but its sloppy

    make a cleaner v2
  17. ToxikPandaKoi

    ToxikPandaKoi Ancient
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    I love the idea, and you did a pretty good job on the map, but near the end you got a little sloppy, and perhaps lazy.

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