Flying Carpet Created by TPB Sagan Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer KoH (Has some WILD hills, some wide and flat, others tall and skinny, some atop one platform or another) CTF VIP Territories Map Description: (Backstory) The "Flying Carpet" is a Kha-class Superfreighter, she went missing after reporting strange temporal readings during a slipspace transit. Using a variety of techniques, she was finally found, stuck in what appears to be a fracture in space/time.... The fracturing made approach by your infiltration vessels impossible, but two robotic teleport nodes were able to be remotely piloted and inserted into one of the Flying Carpet's cargoholds. Your team's shielding is adjusted to protect them from temporal effects, and special weapons are available for use in this environment. Beware, Fusion coils, by their nature transcend space/time and remain volatile even though time appears to have stopped for everything else aboard the frieghter. Several Missions await you and your team......but look out, other teams are moving in to claim the secrets of the Flying Carpet for themselves. This map uses only "beam-type" weapons and FRC's along with some grenades and equipment that are available in the map itself. First, the "hallway" area of foundry has been converted to the interior of each team's Space vessel: Teleporters take the crews to the "infiltration nodes" that are in the Cargohold: Due to the fracture in space-time, much of the cargo in the hold is in a state of suspended animation: A Flame thrower is the "prize weapon" in the map: But, the FRC is always my favorite! It's certainly a jumbled mess out there: Download Flying Carpet Map Download Moon Squad (Team Slayer) Gametype For "immersion," make the following simple changes to your game mode for use with this map: Primary Weapon: Plasma Pistol Secondary Weapon: Plasma Pistol Player Speed: 110% You can also experiment with lighter Gravity settings for even more fun!
Original idea, well done. And good to see you interlocked too. Makes it look like you put alot more effort in. Will have to play a few games and get back to you.
Now while I've heard people say in other threads that it looks like their maps were "thrown together"....but I think they never meant it quite literally like this. The map looks chaotic, almost like a tornado ripped through your average Foundry. I'm curious to see how it plays, and how well thought out the layout is.
Flying Carpet eh?....looks more like a black hole. The map looks insanely weird, yet appeals to me. At least you didn't go for a "Junkyard" type map which I've seen many times. I think that the interlocking is what seperates this map from the rest of the "creative" maps I've seen. Although I'm not a big fan of armories in bases. But that's just me, whatever floats your boat.
Thanks for all the replies.... It's actually a strange story of the way it came about....I was watching "Ben-Hur" on TV and started building a giant "cirkus maximus" in foundry, which left over the corners, so I started hanging things in mid air, like an explosion frozen in time...and I thought...why not just do the whole foundry this way? lol It got to be REALLY difficult to spawn and place items towards the end..... As for weapons/armories....I don't prefer them either, but the whole "infiltrating space ship" concept was appealing....there are weapons placed thoughout the map...Plasma rifles, Sentinal beams, and grenades of all sorts....I placed the rifles in the "base" as I could not spawn players in with them in the game type and wanted then to have effective weapons before hitting the battle.
Interesting idea but I don't like the concept. Too massed up and I don't think enough time was put towards the layout. Very original.
doesnt look like much thought was put into this map it looks like you just threw stuff around and gave it a story 4/5 for the story and 2/5 for the map
Well, I'll let you give a go at floating all those objects and see what you think for the amount of effort it took to create..... As for planning.....well, how exactly would you suggest one plan a "random-assortment-of-flying-objects-in-a cargohold-that-has-lost-gravity-and-is-in-suspended-animation?" I'll be the first to admit, it is planned completely on the goal was many random angles and platforms, some to stand on or under, others that work solely as cover or to break up the sight-lines..and a few of the highest objects, which are out of the playable area, to continuity of the scenery. I started with the largest objects and went down from there, with some exceptions... Early view of work in progress: It's not intended to look "neat" or "pretty." It's a chaotic mess that competing teams try to move through, making the best of what they can find. You are, of course, entitled to your opinion.......and I appreciate your comments. :squirrel_rubberduck:
I see the amount of work you put in here. Save quitting is the most annoying process on forge.. I suggest putting the bottom picture up to the top, because it is by far the prettiest, and will sell your map better..
Wow, I had this exact same, no joke idea. I actually found a floating technique for it too. It was the round-over technique. A technique that none of the moderators cared enough about to put in forging 101
You like the idea, but you don't like the concept. Those are pretty much the same thing. The map looks crazy, and I can't say more on it until I download.