I don't know if anyone has realized this, but if you hold RB, L and Forward at the same time while looking slightly down, you can move about 1.5-2 times faster in forge. This can really help when forging on large maps you want to get around quickly (ie: sandbox). Just thought I'd share that with you all.
Yeah I noticed this before, only problem its hard to go exactly parallel with the ground and when you are you can sometimes not see stuff in front of you.
yeah, it always takes a sec to adjust the camera angle to move parallel, but i think you move fast enough that it doesn't matter if you're a little too high. You can also dodge the sandbox lasers when you're going fast, it can be a lot of fun.
It is kinda fun, especially if you're close to the grid, makes you feel like you're Flash or something
I've done speed tests, and while flying that way is faster than just holding the left trigger, a Banshee will still fly faster...
while that may be true, every time you spawn a banshee to delete it it's one less item on your map that you can place. And everyone has their preference
Yeah I noticed this a while ago too. Reminds me of my Goldeneye N64 days where you could run faster if you moved slightly at an angle while strafing at the same time.