Eurpathy Version 2 Eurpathy began a while ago, when FH's Conquest Forge Off was still up and running. I had finished Propulsion, and wanted to make more. Noticing the Epitath stood silently all alone in the Book Of Conquest, I decided to take a crack at it. After completing the first version, I learned alot more about Conquest and how it should work mechanically. I realized that Eupathy was broken in several ways. So lets see what I have changed, and what is now Eurpahy. NOTE: Eurpathy is made for Heavy Conquest {conquest with 200% gravity} Weapons: {NAME, QUANTITY, RESPAWN, CLIPS} - BR X2 {30, 2} - Sniper X2 {120, 2} - SMG X4 {30, 2} - Magnum X4 {30, 2} - Plasma Rifle X4 {30} - Brute Shot X2 {60, 1} - Spike Grenade X2 {60} Changes: - Snipers moved to first territory - SMGs moved to first territory and added eye catcher - Added eye catcher to the Brute Shots - Removed two Spike grenades, edited respawn time, and moved them to a visible spot - Moved BR to second territory, and added eye catcher. - Added scenery along the path - Moved plasma rifles to second territory, and added eye catcher - Added Magnums - Added another set of SMGs near the center territory - Edited blocking off of the map - Edited territories - Edited respawns A picture says 1000 words, so I wont try to compete with that. Pictures: Action Pictures: Download Eurpathy Here
Are you on some sort of series with Pre-DLC Conquest maps or something? This looks very good. Can't say much about aesthetics, seeing as it's Pre-DLC, though I do like how you blocked everything off very neatly. I never would've used Epitaph as a Conquest map... props on originality. You need to invite me to a game on this sometime. I'll almost always play Conquest.
I'm pretty surprised at the results, too. Fantastic job on doing something most people wouldn't have.
Nice to see more people are using pre-DLC in newer original ways, the aesthetics can't judge, but at least you took the time to make the defense stable, and unmovable. Probably could have been made better in sandbox because you're not as limited, but hey, "A" for originallity! 4/5
nice and original i can't say that i have ever seen a non-glitched game on epitaph. the gameplay looks like the scenery doesnt interfere although games do go kind of quickly on epitaph because its so short. Any way keep them coming down the list of maps.
Hey man great conquest map. I am glad to see it on epitaph than on sandbox or foundry cause it really adds a lot of originality to it. I'm not a conquest fan though so I probably won't download this, I'll give it some thought. For originality though 5/5
Well, I have one problem with the map from that one or two games we played on yesterday. On of the side's 3rd territory (in the seventh and eighth pictures) has a large disadvantage to the other side. There is a space behind the territory that is very easy to camp/get assassinations on as most people will run by you on their way to the central territory, and it is also in the contested zone. I wish you had fixed this before posting the map, as it is fairly detrimental to gameplay.
UPDATE: I updated the map very quickly as a few problems were brought to my attention. - minor edits to path, eliminating the room for one team and making it more fair. - adjusted plasma rifles to be more visable Download the new version now