Abusing ForgeHub

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by AceOfSpades, Apr 20, 2009.

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  1. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    seniority = dedication =/= laziness = crappy posts therefore, seniority =/= crappy posts

    (Thanks Jzzkc for getting us all in the math mood!)
  2. Soren515

    Soren515 Ancient
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    I am a junior member and don't even have 50 posts yet.
  3. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Well in personal experience Seniority = leaders. so you would think if the leaders posted in a fashionably order and made it clear and easy without just loads of bs others would follow, but as stated either on this topic or the other one about Abusing Sandbox some people don't care for anything other than to post so, they take it as they want.
  4. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Me = been here for a year, 1/3 of the posts that a member that joined in January has.
  5. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I wasn't referring to how long they (the members) actually have been here, just how they attempt to throw themselves in a higher plane in order to look down upon the newcomers. Look at OP, for an example. Of course he cites back to way when he first joined. Because when he joined, things were so good! And now the newbies are ruining the experience for the older, more rightful members...Geez. With people like this, who needs to call for complaints on elitism?
  6. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    And eventually the elitest dumbasses wise up and become the senior members. (Yes, I am including myself in the "elitest dumbass" category) Hopefully we will see that happen with the new members and Sandbox. However, I'm guessing we will simply return to the status quo after about a month, with maybe a few new, active members, out of the hundreds who are joining now.
  7. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    See, though, that that is most definitely NOT the case. The amount of "spammers" versus the amount of "useful posters" is about the same now as it was when I joined the site. It went down for a bit, then it went up again, then back down, then back up. As Nemi posted in the other thread I just replied to, it's a vicious cycle that happens on every internet forum. Get over it, because it's likely to happen a few more times in the life of this site.

    This I actually agree with, and I think we need it posted en masse to the ForgeHub community. At the same time, I also think that the infraction system in the maps section ought to be a bit stricter: three posts like the one you quoted, and then they have their posting priveleges revoked in the Maps forums for a month. If it happens again, ban from the maps forums. That may seem harsh, but I don't think so.

    Your argument here is that the quality of the average Sandbox map posted on ForgeHub is, in fact, quite lax. I made a short rant on it in the Sandbox tips thread, but monotony is creeping into every map that's being produced on the new playground is exactly the same. And you know what? I noticed the exact same trend around when Foundry was released. All of the maps shared identical aesthetics and gameplay, and most of them sported a very similar layout to one another. But then, isn't that what defines the term, "average?" If all of the maps were different and outstanding, then there would be nothing to distinguish the featured maps from the normal counterparts. Your argument that the average is too average fails to bear any weight.

    Additionally, Sandbox is a much different map than Foundry was; it's a much different canvas to work with that has different aesthetics and different elements to work with. The "standards" for Foundry maps were never officially implemented, and weren't recognized by the community until months after the map came out. While I don't think that it will take as long for the same type of standards to be realized, I do think that they'll look quite a bit different on Sandbox than they did on Foundry (namely due to the fact that the pieces are better suited to more varied purposes without the need for geomerging and interlocking). As has been posted in the abusing sandbox thread, there are a number of great maps out there that feature nothing more than simple floating--they look great and play great, too, thanks to the aesthetic that Bungie put on the pieces. Instead of putting Sandbox inside your own box, try putting yourself inside it, and wait to see just what comes out.

    Things will get better, I promise.
  8. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
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    Good point. I really hope it dies down soon.

    Definitely not harsh. It would get the point through very strictly and I think that's what is needed.

    I wasn't comparing Foundry to Sandbox, just the standards.
    Most people expected a floor on Foundry to be interlocked together. Why can't this be done on Sandbox? It's not like it's more difficult to interlock on Sandbox.
    #28 AceOfSpades, Apr 21, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2009
  9. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    Quit bitching.

    Every single forum like this one experiences the same problem. Just get over it.
  10. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    I agree with this thread. There is a substantial amount of people here who are just rating and moving on, not helping the forger. And I think that it's a major problem. I think that if you are to rate a map/screenshot, you should give reasons why you liked it, or disliked it. and If there isn't much interlocking, show them how, or teach them how to geomerge. I think that it would help this community immensely if we could stay together and be positive in the work we do, and be positive in the things we post.
  11. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    Here's what some people don't understand, back in 2008 (more closer to the first half of 2008) Forge Hub was nowhere near the size as it is today. There's been a huge influx of members lately ever since Sandbox came out, and Forge Hub stands at 39,992 members at this moment. That number will no doubtedly grow by tomorrow. There's only 18 Staff members for 39,992 members. There's just no possible way to have complete control of everything that is posted and said.

    When Forge Hub was a smaller community, the members were more comfortable and knew each other better. The ones who were helpful were thought well of while the ones who posted crappy comments that didn't give any help to the poster would be outcasted and disrespected. Those guys would eventually drift away to another site. But as Forge Hub grew and grew, it was harder to control the members to do the right thing. The helpful members were still around, but drowned out by the people who judged maps by the pictures and felt that they had to post on every map with some useless comment to get their post count to go up and gain what they thought would be popularity.

    But today, Forge Hub is not even that. It's pretty much become what the old bungie.net map forum used to be like. Where people post their maps just so they can see a number by their creation increase everyday because it amuses them for some reason, most likely because they think they'll get "bungie favs" or the infamous recon armor.

    There's really nothing you can do about this. There's still a bunch of members out there who are still helpful people and do provide beneficial feedback to map creators, but again, with the amount of maps posted everyday, you are never guaranteed that you'll actually get some good feedback before your map washes down to the 5th page. If you're looking for a lot of constructive feedback and help from other members, I suggest finding a smaller community. There's a lot of them out there run by some guys who know what they're doing.
  12. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
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    Yeah, I'm starting to visit sites like MB and XF a lot more now because they are smaller communities that are mostly made up of helpful people. None of this "I come to post my crappy map, spam a little, then leave and never come back." Smaller communities are better if you want your map showcased better and if you just want to be in a community that doesn't have as much problems as FH's does.
  13. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Makes me wonder why we don't prune out members who have less than 25 posts and who haven't posted in over a month...
  14. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
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    Heh, just don't have everybody transfer over to the smaller communities. There won't be any left =P.

    I think the influx of members who don't understand rules and post useless crap is primarily due to two things: the recent # of referrals to ForgeHub from Bungie and the onslaught of Sandbox. Something like this happened similarly on the arrival of Legendary map pack (though undoubtedly on a smaller scale). Additionally, if you have any experience with other forums, the larger ones generally have more idiots. The ratio of newbie/people who do not read the rules to experienced/mature member only increases as a forum grows. There's simply no way to avoid it, just ways to perhaps slow it down a little.
  15. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Well when you may have thought it was better in December, which it was then it is now, you should've been here for the guilders and masons. God those were truly glorious times. Glorious times. However you are 100% correct about how people reply to maps now and days.

    I used to do that a lot but now I only reply on maps that I believe deserve them or any that need help with something. I also truly hate how if one person tells somebody to fix their map post, 20 more people have to say the same thing. I can understand if when they were posting that they didnt see any other replies then they posted it and somebody posted a few seconds before that. But seriously.

    A lot of new members are too excited to post their maps and I dont blame them for not reading the rules first. When I joined, I didnt have any maps to post, I was just excited to be part of the community. However then I wanted to post a map and learned that you had to follow the rules so I did. There are still people who do that today, however there are just a lot less of them.
  16. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Analyzing the infux of members, seniority, and the quality of maps is all good fun. However, why don't we do something about this. After all every single one of us belongs to the community. Even me. The only way to improve the quality is if the community shapes up. That's not to say that the quality of maps or feedback is poor. Communities should always strive to better themselves. That's the only way communities stay together.

    Per the quality of responses to maps. Please report posts along the lines of this:

    • [FONT=&quot]Are composed of a single sentence[/FONT]
    • [FONT=&quot]Include a rating without reasonable justification[/FONT]
    • [FONT=&quot]Show no evidence of knowledge of the map in question other than that which can easily be seen from a glance at the pictures[/FONT]
    In addition, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. Meaning if a map stinks please refrain from pressing the reply button. The map will eventually sink to the bottom. In closing, this is not rocket science, this is a community. Get your butts in gear.
  17. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    In my opinion, we actually need more staff, so that we will have more members watching over the forums at all times.
    The new staff need to be the ones that are definately most active on the site and always post valuable posts. The ones that try their best to help out the site and make it better. The ones that WANT to be here.
  18. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
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    That would help but there's not too many members who are THAT dedicated.

    And I'm sure everyone wants to be here. They're not being forced to join a site. And if they don't want to be here, nobody is stopping them from leaving.
  19. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    Yes, but you have to think of it this way, it doesn't matter who wants to be here when comes o the new people mainly. I mean they join, they do not read the rules, and than they spam post A LOT. And after so many, I think they should get the BAN. ANd it will take more staff members to get this done correctly, but it would have to be people that are on everyday and are very dedicated to this site.
  20. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
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    Again.... refer to point #1... there really are just not enough completely dedicated people on the site. Or at least not dedicated enough to moderate the forums, which, I understand, is a HUGE job.
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