I am making a swat map and i probably am going to make it a short range map what weapons should i usemg:
Pistols Well, the traditional short range Swat weapon is the Pistol, but it just isn't Swat for me without BR's.
SWAT's weapon set should always stay the same even when it varies in ranges, so just keep with Battle Rifle's, Carbine's, and Magnum's. But you could possibly add equal amounts of each to change it up a bit. Also, keep the spawn times high to keep the game from going too fast.
How dare you!, Maverick (There's a bomb in your base!), never ever ever ever put ShWATguns in your map, never ever, of all time! (IMO, you can if you want.)
Simply opinion. I don't like ShWATguns mainly because you don't really have a chance to fight against the opponent, that is 99% of the time hiding in a corner. I like for their to be a lot of skill involved and even if someone has an insane advantage they can still be overcomed by skill. My opinion may also be biased because 3/4 of my ShWATguns games have been against British or Australian people, and them having host. Not fun. PS. I probably didn't word that too well, it was more meant as me expressing my opinion as a joke, kind of made it to serious, sorry Maverick.