Hey, just wondering if anyone knows which glitches they've recently fixed. No, I'm not going to use them to cheat in survival, that just kind of ruins it, I'd just like to know if they've gotten rid of any during the recent patch. Oh, and anyone know if you can get achievements such as red mist?
Well, they have fixed glitches such as being able to skip crescendo events, blocking off areas as the infected, and using the minigun to launch yourself. The recent patches have fixed alot of gameplay bugs and changed some mechanics. A few major changes are: -The Smoker now inflicts damage while pulling survivors and it is harder to break its tongue -Setting the Tank on fire no longer sets it on a timer for death, it inflicts actual damage over time -A Fatigue meter has been added to Melee to prevent melee spam Some of these are only present on PC last time I checked, but the 360 already has some and may have gotten the rest today, actually.
Wait, there's a fatigue meter now? Man that sucks, now what else am I going to do during hordes other than gathering all my teammates in a corner and meleeing. But all the other glitch fixes are nice and I can actually play multiplayer now without all the blockage and crap.
Yeah, slashe found that out today the hard way lol. Anyways thanks for the list at least I know what to expect now.
I've heard it's like the Horde from GOW 2 but I haven't played either... that's just what my friends told me.
Okay, so basically survival mode takes place on crescendo event maps, and also featuring the new map, The Last Stand which takes place on a light house. Basically, it's a fast paced action game where the goal is to last as long as possible. Although this will not come with any achievments mainly because it's free, I frankly don't care, it's really fun, and you can still get achievments such as Red Mist(Kill 1000 enemies with a turret), and zombie genecidist(Kill a SHITLOAD of zombies). Enemies are always swarming on you(much like cancer), and the same with special infected. Tanks usually come at me between a 30 second gap. Kill one, about 30 seconds later another shows up. Hope this helps. I still probably would have paid 600-800 MS for it, if needed, but then they would come with achievements which will make it more fun. EDIT: @Mavrik145 Not at all, **** zombies is slow as hell, and gets too easy and boring, this you actually have to try to survive and constantly check your surroundings. When in **** zombies can you get hit by a giant mutated monster off a lighthouse tower, falling 100 feet into the water to an upending doom?
It's not a tank every 30 seconds. As time goes on their spawn times shorten, and it will eventually get even lower than 30 seconds.
Man I seriously think valve ruined the game with the punching limit. What kind of weakling freak gets tired after punching something 3 times? And anorexic person of course but not a normal person. What in the world were they thinking, I just stand there sitting ducks when back then I used to have fun playing the game. I mean they could still have a limit but just not 3, it's completely retarded. It's just way to hard as a human now.
It's more than three. I would put it somewhere around 6 or 7. Also, shotguns and machine guns actually weigh a decent amount, and seeing as how when you bash enemies go tumbling backwards, you can assume they are swinging very hard. Any normal person would start to get tired after about 6 or 7 swings, and the more you swing the longer the rest becomes. It's actually a very good tool, and I find myself being limited by it maybe 2-3 times per game. Learn to rely on the bullets coming out of your gun, not its butt.
i agree, use bullets, but if you're reloading and you want to hit a zombie away you shouldn't be limited. the game was fine as it was.
Not in my opinion and many others. I hated people who would just bunch up in a corner and bash until the zombies stopped coming. It wasn't too bad when Boomers barfed on people, but during crescendo events it became a pain in the ass to deal with.
i didn't just run around bashing nor did i stand in a corner bashing(unless i was puked on). i hope that most people don't, it's a bad tactic. when the ank comes it will pumble you in to a wall.try bashing THAT!
Yeah it's nice for Versus so you can actually pounce on people instead of getting accidentally punched off by someone just spamming melee. Although it would make the campaign much harder (esp. on expert) so I'm glad I already finished all of that.
As you can see, L4D has started to get more realistic. Reloading, you either spend the entire clip, or you waste all the bullets. Makes it really dumb, but also more of a realistic challange. Most people would also probably use the butt of their shotgun to whack an enemy away. But I guess It would take longer to bring back up. Meh. Although I really don't think that friendly fire should be on something like survival. In desperate times, I usually spam as many bullets as I can, not really caring WHO i hit.
This game is all about teamwork. You have to work with your team towards every goal, and you have to make sure you don't shoot your teammates. If FF was off, Survival mode would be way too easy because people would spray and pray and not even worry about what their teammates were doing or where they were. Enabling FF makes people become conscious of what's happening around them.