Well, as most of you know I made the Sandbox Map Database and recently i haven't been updating it because i've been working on the new and improved version of it and i've been quite secretive of this new and improved version and what exactly it is. Well, some of you may have noticed i haven't been active the past week or two on these forums. I've been contemplating what i should do with this. Let me explain. First, i want to tell you that in order to get the answer i want i have to tell you what the big upgrade was, i wanted it to be a neat little surprise but there's no way around it. I asked Lionheart if i could turn it into an HTML page, giving me alot more options to use and alot more visual options as well. I was planning at first to have it set up to where when you went to the page if you were one of the few people that were going to help me maintain the SMD after the maps were released publicly you'd have a username/password box at the very bottom to log in and get a sort of "text editing" ability much like the Edit post button. Well then i thought i'd have it to where the user could just add the map themselves, but some people may abuse this power. Then i logged in one day after the maps were out to the public in its entirety and noticed that almost EVERY map on the first 10 pages were sandbox maps and they were no longer hidden behind Foundry maps. This led me to think that maybe the Sandbox Map Database is no longer needed because the forums are pretty much what i was planning on doing just less categorized/organized. So not knowing what to do, i come to you, the community. The one's i made the SMD for. Do you want the updated SMD? Or do you feel it isn't needed? Would you like it as an option for more organization? Before you decide lets look at the Pro's and Con's. Positives: The SMD will be more organized. The user will be able to select how they want to browse the maps available Alphabetical (With map type next to it) Categorical (Remake, Infection, Original, etc. etc.) User Rating (There will be a Star voting system) And possibly many others. It will be a good graphical change perhaps with some added features Different layout Possible "Tooltip" like pop-ups with images of the map (After hovering mouse over link) Possible Tooltip Summary Description (# Of Players, Gametypes, Weapons, etc. etc.) Possible rotating 3D Image of the map if option is selected. Easier to Update and Maintain (Compared to the current SMD) Cons: May not hold all maps submitted to forums (If i set it up where the user submits their map) May not be up to date right away (Perhaps a 1 or 2 day delay at most) Me or one of the WebDev's would probably have to add the extra options (3D model preview, tooltip options, etc. etc.) So i ask you, What do you want?
I think it is well worth continuing with the SMD, I've found many maps on there and its been really helpful. I think that the forums are a bit too disorganised (in comparison with the SMD) and it just makes finding particular types of maps much easier. Also the ideas like the 3D thing sound cool, but wouldn't that require a LOT of effort? Anyway hope you continue with this, but I guess its up to the rest of forgehub aswell. xD.
Perhaps some don't understand the title of the thread So i'm bumping this hoping it gets more attention and the word is spread, i know the title may sound confusing like im making a new thread to discuss the SMD. So to clear it up i meant the "New SMD" discussion thread not a new thread itself.. Soo.. this is a thread about the Update i've been working on. Thought i'd clear that up. Perhaps a Mod can change the name for me so it is more clear?
Definitely the best part is you categorizing it not by MLG, Competitive, or Casual, but by remakes and such. Maybe you should keep it like that. Only specialty maps, maybe...
Forsaken, I was wondering if you could put my map on the database once you get the update done. I'd appreciate it. And I think that an update would be very necessary. I look forward to seeing it, and I know it's going to be tough keeping up with it, I just wanted to wish you luck, Cuz it's not going to be easy. I'm glad you did this and I hope good ideas like this continue to flow through the forums. :happy:
Forsaken, I don't think anyone is opposed to you putting up the revised version of the database. Considering how much time and effort you've put into it, and how much you say you're planning on putting into it, I am confident that it will be pretty epic. Personally, I can't wait to see what you've come up with. The categorization/organization is exactly what made the sandbox database stand out in the first place, so your work is not in vain at all (not to mention the handful of maps that don't have the Sandbox tag).
Bumping this for more feedback, letting the poll stay up til this coming friday or thursday then i'll make my move from there.