can u make it so a player gains a powerup wen entering/driving a vehicle? ie: player 1 drives ghost and gains an instant oveshiel with damage 150% if so how?
Um, not as far as I know. Items fall through vehicles and vehicles are also unmergable, as they are dynamic items. And can you please talk in complete sentences?
If you drop the powerup, go into player mode and grab the powerup as quickly as possible, it will become a static item where you picked it up.
If there was a way to somehow get it so you could only get the powerup if you got in the vehicle, then you could just get out with the powerup anyway.
could you please tell us what you are trying to do exactly? I am a little confused on what you are doing, but if we know what you want to do there might be another way to do it.
he wants to make it so you can get powered up when you enter a vehicle. BTW: no you can't do this, you can't interlock vehicles with powerups. seariously how would that help?????