This is my first attempt at a map on sandbox, let me know if anyone likes it, i put it in the MLG maps just cause its kinda based more around CTF and such... Centerpiece
You should but more writeing into it but either than than its good its not so neat so you redo and make it neater.
First of, just because it is CTF, doesn't mean it should be in MLG, go to to see how they have there maps. And this post is not up to ForgeHub Standers, Go to the mandutory reading post to see how. One hour to fix or lock. Anyways, on to the map. I really like the idea of the map. Although it could of been neater, for example, the Ramps at the bases could of been interlocked so there is no gaps. Although the layout is great. I would really like to see something else then an overview of the middle, I can't really see that. Also go to the "Forging 101" section for cool trick and things to see how you can make your map better. Overall, I would say it's good for your first map. Welcome to ForgeHub!
its not a good idea to have man cannons as the only way to get to the bases also the turrets are to over powering for just one man cannon you can kill the entire team before they hit the other side
aight thanks for the feedback, ill have to chk the mandatory thread or whatever i just didnt have a whole lot of time right now to do it...and yeah i would have liked to interlock the ramps but the 4th piece i was puttin in kept spawning in completely different locations? =/ And you know im glad you mentioned the one mancannon thing because i had it so there was also a teleporter that you could take, which i guess you cant , ill have to chk it out
If you want some help with interlocking the ramps, add me BoE DarkImpulse. I will try to help you out with a V2 if you want
kk ill send you a request, i probably wont be on till this weekend though because i dont have an xbox so i gotta go over to my cousins
Ok I'm sry but turrets man canons and teleporters are all usualy frowned upon for mlg. You should check out that thread. This should realy be either casual or competative and even then I'm not sure about the two turrets (overkill) I would sugjest playing on or looking at some good mlg maps before trying again. I won't rate since the map shouldn't realy be hear but if you move it let me know. You do have some skill at physical forging but your understanding of layout is a little under par. Nothing time and experiance won't fix good luck In the future.