Author: xFear The Herox (aDeAdHeRo875's new gamertag) Map Name: Artifacts Map Canvas: Sandbox Map Size: Large Player Count: 8-16 Supported Gametypes: Conquest __________________________________________________ Description: Everyone who has been waiting for that conquest map that uses The Crypt to its full potential then your in luck. This map is made for playing with the beauty that everyone will love. Description: Red and Blue both found this ancient layer and now fight for control. This map has amazing game play where teamwork is ideal. the middle Territory is where all the action happens when you have even teams, the way the map is set up it give the advancing team a slight disadvantage to keep the game back and forth. out of all the game i played on this map i found out that if you don't have teamwork then you will loose. also there hasn't been a game where one team dominated it has always been a close battle to the end type of map. Testers- Azn FTW Bunny FU FU Coyote1023 ell3ment MNM1245 Blue Pariot Eyeless Sid Geiger94 GunnerGrunt iWiggums mista tipsta Rex Thunder RoboticCupcake Sage 714 Skittlemeister0 Timothy and I know there were a lot of other people however I forgot your name. Now for the part that all of you skip too. Screen Shots!!!! and i'm going to start it off with my favorite one the Mirror. Mirror Red Side From Middle Middle From Blue Side Blue Base Territory 2 Middle Spikes Over View Shots Action Shots One Last Thing. Ell3ment thanks for guiding me though my first Conquest Map, without your help my map would have been garbage. and also thanks for inspiring me to make some of the Structures. You were a big help and i Thank you Kindly for all your help. Updated added new photos and changed middle territory so you can't contest while on spikes, also put in a shield door in the mirror
ohh this map is kinda shmexy its really great the layout and everything looks nice and yeah. i am sorry but...................................................5/5 YAY!
The map looks really cool, and unlike most people you thought out of the box with those awesome looking spikes. Not much I can say about it until I play it so I DL'd and will play it with my friends or something.
um, the aethetics look good, but i would love an overview or at least a basic scetch pls. ALso, can you tell us the weapons on the map and all their fricking info, other than that it seems very memorable with its many walls of weird design
well i will say this conquest map matches all of the greats in play and maybe in some aspects better, or so i herd. i don't want to blow my horn
You still havent added Coyote1023 to the list of testers... This is an excellent map and i can't wait to see it in the conquest library. It has been fun watching your map slowing progress towards perfection, and i hope we can get it certified in the near future! And like everyone else, I love the mirror. The screenshot just doesnt do it justice! The entire map has an excellent design as well. This map is starting to bring out the true essence of conquest. It's a blast to play and uses more strategy than most conquest maps (as Coyote demonstrated). Great work Hero! Thats one of the games i played! I'm shooting the bruteshot through the mirror at the poor elite ^.^
Heh, yeah, I thought I saw that post in the XF thread... anyhow, I really enjoyed this map. I thought it was a little bit difficult for a team who lost the center to regain control due to the number of spots inside it that you can camp (primarily on top of the spikes), but then again, we only played one game of it and I was stuck with the crap team. The aesthetics are pretty innovative, but simple at the same time. I'd definitely recommend this to anyone looking to expand their conquest reportoire.
This map looks impressive from what can be seen in the few screenshots that u have, maybe u could add some more? an aerial view would be awesome.i like the way uve stacked things together, gives a really clever effect 4/5
This looks sick. The aesthetiks are beautiful. I hope that the gameplay matches this. Its definitly a download from me. I love the "shutters", that you can shoot through, that looks awesome. That "mirror" window thing looks cool too. You had some really cool ideas in here.
yea the mirror looks a lot better in the game also the shutters was inspired to me by ell3ment and that would be a version of a fence wall, or well at least to me it is. i hope you enjoy playing it, i know i have
I tested this map and thought it was great. No flaws that i saw. You could make a spot where all the tester are listed. This is still a great map!
The conquest approval squad strikes again! This map has the most unique architecture since Trilobytes jail bars! Is the mirror. Super smexy. Can't wait to give this a go.
I remember you showing me this like a week ago, I loved that mirror, its amazing. I haven't gotten the chance to actually play on it, but I did walk through it, and i was impressed. Some of the forging could have been better as I told you, but the map is too win to matter anyways. I've been looking for this map, and I am glad that I can finally download this one. Everything is very unique, and is really just incredible. Not sure if its worth a feature, but it is definitely worth a spot on my hard drive.
well thanks and yea i know i'm not the best forger, since i only started forging in January. Also i do believe on this site it would be hard to get a feature b.c everyone cares about how the map looks and not how it plays. not that its a bad thing. well i hope everyone will dl this, you know i want to get on bungie favs. lol
zomgzors!!!! I am in the pics I am the commando elite. Lol. I remember testing this it was very fun and well forged. It had excellent gameplay and good aesthetics. I think you should ( If you haven't yet) get this certified by azn ftw I think it would be a good addition to the featured conquest library